Henry VIII to 1547
Edward VI 1547-1553
Mary I 1553-1558
Elizabeth I 1558
Elizabeth I
James I 1603
Charles I 1625
Oliver Cromwell 1649-60
Charles II 1660
Charles II to 1685
James II
Wlm & Mary
William III
George I
George II from 1727
William Johnson
b. abt 1508 m. MAR 1528 Canterbury
Richard Johnson
b. abt 1531 m. 07 FEB 1551 St George, Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt 1531 m. 25 MAY 1551 Canterbury
William Johnson
b. abt m. 25 MAY 1551 Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 23 MAY 1551 Canterbury
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 07 FEB 1552 Canterbury
Wynifryde Johnson
b. abt m. 07 FEB 1552 Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 23 MAY 1557 Canterbury
Alice Janson
b. abt m. 16 OCT 1559 Canterbury
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 31 AUG 1562 Saint Paul, Canterbury
Catheren Johnson
b. abt m. 21 APR 1561 Saint Alphege, Canterbury
William Johnson
b. abt m. 22 JAN 1560 Canterbury
Jane Johnson
b. abt m. 26 JUL 1568 St Mildreds, Canterbury
Henrye Johnson
b. abt m. 25 JUL 1569 Saint Paul, Canterbury
Richard Johnson
b. abt 1550 m. 05 JUN 1570 Saint Paul, Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 19 SEP 1570 Saint Paul, Canterbury
Margerie Johnson
b. abt m. 18 JAN 1570 Saint Paul, Canterbury
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 15 OCT 1571 Saint George The Martyr, Canterbury
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 25 NOV 1574 Saint Paul, Canterbury
Paule Johnson
b. abt m. 25 JUN 1576 Saint Paul, Canterbury
Robert Johnson
b. abt 1556 m. 05 NOV 1576 Of St Pauls, Canterbury
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 18 AUG 1577 Saint Paul, Canterbury
Joane Johnson
b. abt m. 01 MAY 1578 Canterbury
Dorthe Johnson
b. abt m. 14 JUL 1578 Canterbury
Moses Johnson
b. abt m. 11 OCT 1579 Saint Paul, Canterbury
Arthur Johnson
b. abt 1562 m. 16 JUN 1582 or 83 Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 12 DEC 1583 Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 26 OCT 1584 Saint Paul, Canterbury
Dorothy Johnson
b. abt m. 18 APR 1587 Canterbury
Cicely Johnson
b. abt m. 12 APR 1591 Canterbury
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 26 DEC 1591 Canterbury
Dorythe Johnson
b. abt m. 05 DEC 1592 Holycross Westga, Canterbury
Susanna Johnson
b. abt m. 04 DEC 1592 Canterbury
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 21 APR 1592 Canterbury
Lawrence Johnson
b. abt m. 28 DEC 1593 Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt 1576 m. 21 OCT 1594 Canterbury
Hughe Johnson
b. abt m. 20 JAN 1594 Saint Paul, Canterbury
Sara Jonson
b. abt m. 02 FEB 1595 St Dunstan's, Canterbury
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 30 MAY 1597 Canterbury
Henry Johnson
b. abt m. 15 JUN 1597 St Alphage, Canterbury
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 26 DEC 1598 Canterbury
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 14 OCT 1599 St Dunstan's, Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt 1582 m. About 1602 Canterbury
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 16 OCT 1604 Canterbury
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 27 MAY 1605 Saint Paul, Canterbury
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 28 APR 1606 Canterbury
Anne Johnson
b. abt m. 06 OCT 1608 Saint George The Martyr, Canterbury
Edward Johnson
b. abt m. 08 DEC 1609 Canterbury
Agnes Johnson
b. abt m. 24 APR 1611 Canterbury
Nicholas Johnson
b. abt m. 26 SEP 1612 St Peters, Canterbury
Edward Johnson
b. abt m. 03 AUG 1612 Saint Mary Bredin, Canterbury
Nicholas Johnson
b. abt m. 26 SEP 1613 Canterbury
Sara Johnson
b. abt m. 10 NOV 1615 St Margaret's, Canterbury
William Johnson
b. abt m. 24 AUG 1617 Canterbury
Symon Johnson
b. abt m. 28 JAN 1612 St Martins, Canterbury
Bartholme Johnson
b. abt m. 23 NOV 1614 Holycross Westga, Canterbury
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 07 APR 1616 St Mary Breadman, Canterbury
David Johnson
b. abt m. 07 APR 1619 St Peter, Canterbury
Grace Johnson
b. abt m. 22 SEP 1619 Saint Paul, Canterbury
John Janson
b. abt m. 31 AUG 1619 Saint Alphege, Canterbury
Lawrance Johnson
b. abt m. 25 NOV 1619 St Mary Magdalen, Canterbury
Robert Johnson
b. abt 1600 m. 24 JUN 1620 St Margaret's, Canterbury
Elias Johnston
b. abt m. 28 JUN 1620 St Margaret's, Canterbury
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 01 SEP 1622 Canterbury,Cathedral, Canterbury
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 14 FEB 1623 Canterbury
John Johnsone
b. abt m. 12 AUG 1622 Saint Mary Bredin, Canterbury
Dorothey Johnson
b. abt m. 04 NOV 1624 Saint Mary Bredin, Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 30 MAY 1625 Saint Mary Bredin, Canterbury
Agnes Johnson
b. abt m. 26 JAN 1625 Canterbury
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 19 JAN 1625 Saint George The Martyr, Canterbury
Jane Johnson
b. abt m. 02 MAY 1626 Saint Dunstan, Canterbury
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 19 JAN 1626 Canterbury
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 18 SEP 1628 St Mary Magdalen, Canterbury
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 25 OCT 1628 Canterbury
Susan Johnson
b. abt m. 21 JUL 1629 Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 12 MAY 1629 Saint Dunstan, Canterbury
Jone Johnson
b. abt m. 24 NOV 1631 Canterbury
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 14 JUL 1631 Canterbury
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 11 FEB 1633 St Margaret's, Canterbury
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 27 MAY 1634 St Margaret's, Canterbury
Agnes Johnson
b. abt m. 26 JAN 1635 Canterbury
Katherin Johnson
b. abt m. 03 MAY 1630 Saint Paul, Canterbury
Catharine Johnson
b. abt m. 24 APR 1630 Canterbury
Jone Johnson
b. abt m. 24 NOV 1631 St Dunstan's, Canterbury
Marie Johnson
b. abt m. 19 DEC 1633 Saint Mary Bredin, Canterbury
Catharine Johnson
b. abt m. 17 JAN 1633 Canterbury
Katherine Johnson
b. abt m. 30 JAN 1633 Saint Mary Bredin, Canterbury
Francis Johnson
b. abt m. 22 APR 1636 Holycross-Westgate, Canterbury
Bartholomew Johnson
b. abt m. 25 AUG 1638 Saint Paul, Canterbury
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 22 JUN 1638 St Peters, Canterbury
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 27 JAN 1639 Saint Paul, Canterbury
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1620 m. 17 NOV 1640 Saint George The Martyr, Canterbury
Nicholas Johnson
b. abt m. 05 JAN 1641 Canterbury
William Johnson
b. abt 1621 m. About 20 JUN 1641 Saint Paul, Canterbury
James Johnson
b. abt m. 21 APR 1641 St Peter's, Canterbury
James Johnson
b. abt m. 21 APR 1642 St Peter, Canterbury
William Johnson
b. abt 1625 m. 19 JUN 1645 St Dunstan's, Canterbury
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 29 SEP 1646 Saint Mary Bredin, Canterbury
Apharie Johnson
b. abt m. 03 FEB 1647 Saint Mary Bredin, Canterbury
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 29 JUN 1648 Saint Dunstan's, Canterbury
Edward Johnson
b. abt m. 09 SEP 1649 Saint Paul, Canterbury
Edward Johnson
b. abt 1629 m. 10 JAN 1649 Canterbury
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 17 SEP 1649 Saint Mary Bredin, Canterbury
Martha Johnson
b. abt m. 18 MAR 1649 St Mary Magdalen, Canterbury
Martha Johnson
b. abt m. 05 AUG 1650 Canterbury
Peter Johnson
b. abt m. 26 SEP 1653 Saint Paul , Canterbury
Edward Johnson
b. abt m. 10 JAN 1650 Canterbury
Martha Johnson
b. abt m. 05 AUG 1650 Canterbury Cathedral
Anne Johnson
b. abt m. 10 JUL 1653 Saint Mary Bredin, Canterbury
William Johnson
b. abt m. 16 MAY 1655 Canterbury
Frances Johnston
b. abt m. 17 APR 1655 Saint Mary Bredin, Canterbury
Matthew Johnson
b. abt m. 12 NOV 1656 Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 28 APR 1657 Canterbury
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 10 APR 1660 Saint Mary Bredin , Canterbury
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 10 JUL 1660 Cathedral, Canterbury
Martha Johnson
b. abt m. 02 MAR 1662 Saint Dunstan, Canterbury
Matthew Johnson
b. abt m. 23 OCT 1662 Canterbury
Abraham Johnson
b. abt m. 25 MAY 1662 Saint Paul, Canterbury
Eliza Johnson
b. abt m. 16 FEB 1664 Canterbury
Eliza Johnson
b. abt m. 14 FEB 1664 Canterbury
Matthew Johnson
b. abt m. 23 OCT 1662 St George, Canterbury
William Johnson
b. abt m. 16 MAY 1665 Canterbury
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 12 OCT 1664 St Margaret's, Canterbury
Eliza Johnson
b. abt m. 16 FEB 1664 Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 25 JUL 1665 Saint Mary Bredin, Canterbury
William Johnson
b. abt m. 16 MAY 1665
Nathaniel Johnson
b. abt m. 26 APR 1666 Canterbury
Katherine Johnson
b. abt m. 14 MAY 1666 Saint Mary Bredin, Canterbury
Charles Johnson
b. abt m. 25 NOV 1666 Saint George The Martyr, Canterbury
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 17 JAN 1668 Saint Paul, Canterbury
Elisabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 05 AUG 1669 St Margaret's, Canterbury
Edward Johnson
b. abt 1650 m. 07 MAY 1670 Saint Mary Bredin, Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 05 DEC 1670 Saint Alphege, Canterbury
Nicholas Johnson
b. abt m. 14 JAN 1671 St Andrews, Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 03 SEP 1672 Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 07 DEC 1674 St Dunstans, Canterbury
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 14 JAN 1674 Saint Mary Bredin, Canterbury
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 22 NOV 1674 Saint Paul, Canterbury
Margaret Jonson
b. abt m. 03 AUG 1672 St Mary Magdalen, Canterbury
Susanne Johnson
b. abt m. 28 SEP 1673 Saint Alphege, Canterbury
Henry Johnson
b. abt m. 22 JAN 1676 St Mary Breadman, Canterbury
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 31 OCT 1676 St Margarets, Canterbury
Priscilla Johnson
b. abt m. 07 JUN 1677 Canterbury
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1658 m. 13 OCT 1678 St Mildreds, Canterbury
Martha Johnson
b. abt m. 09 JUN 1678 St Andrews, Canterbury
Rebecca Johnson
b. abt m. 19 MAY 1679 Saint Paul, Canterbury
Susan Johnson
b. abt m. 05 DEC 1679 Saint Mary Bredin, Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt 1660 m. 16 NOV 1680 Canterbury
Katheryn widow Johnson
b. abt m. 21 OCT 1680 St Mildreds, Canterbury
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 22 APR 1684 St Andrews, Canterbury
Samuel Johnson
b. abt m. 21 APR 1685 St Andrews, Canterbury
David Johnson
b. abt m. 21 FEB 1682 St Andrews, Canterbury
William Johnson
b. abt m. 08 MAY 1687 Holy Cross, Canterbury
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 16 JAN 1687 St Andrews, Canterbury
William Johnson
b. abt m. 10 FEB 1688 Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 24 OCT 1689 Canterbury Cathedral
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 01 AUG 1692 Canterbury
William Johnson
b. abt m. 27 FEB 1693 St Andrews, Canterbury
Nicholas Johnson
b. abt m. 25 SEP 1693 Canterbury
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 03 JUL 1694 Canterbury
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 08 JUL 1694 Canterbury Cathedral
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 08 OCT 1695 St Andrews, Canterbury
822. Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 07 DEC 1676 St Margaret's, Canterbury
204. Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 01 AUG 1692 Canterbury
824. Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 28 MAY 1689 St Margaret's, Canterbury
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 26 DEC 1699 Canterbury
Lawrence Johnson
b. abt 1659 m. 23 MAY 1679 Canterbury
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 16 OCT 1695 Canterbury
2104. Andrew Johnson
b. abt m. 10 OCT 1693 Saint Alphege, Canterbury
2121. Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 08 JUL 1694 Canterbury
2123. Hannah Johnson
b. abt m. 14 OCT 1680 St Alphage, Canterbury
Priscilla Johnson
b. abt m. 07 JUN 1677 Canterbury Cathedral
Lawrence Johnson
b. abt m. 23 MAY 1679 Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 16 NOV 1680 St George, Canterbury
Anne Johnson
b. abt m. 03 APR 1684 Saint Mary Bredin, Canterbury
Edward Johnson
b. abt m. 06 JAN 1685 Saint Alphege, Canterbury
Ales Johnsonn
b. abt m. 07 OCT 1686 Saint Mary Magdalene, Canterbury
Jane Johnson
b. abt m. 17 OCT 1687 Canterbury
Jane Johnson
b. abt m. 18 OCT 1687 Saint Alphege, Canterbury
William Johnson
b. abt m. 08 MAY 1687 Holy Cross, Canterbury
William Johnson
b. abt m. 10 FEB 1688 Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 24 OCT 1689 Canterbury Cathedral
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 01 AUG 1692 Canterbury
Andrew Johnson
b. abt m. 07 OCT 1693 Canterbury
Nicholas Johnson
b. abt m. 25 SEP 1693 Canterbury
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 08 JUL 1694 Canterbury
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 16 OCT 1695 Canterbury
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 03 JUL 1694 Canterbury
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 24 NOV 1695 St George, Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 17 NOV 1695 Saint Paul, Canterbury
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 24 NOV 1695 Saint George The Martyr, Canterbury
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 23 JUN 1695 St Mildreds, Canterbury
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 26 DEC 1699 Canterbury
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 27 JAN 1699 Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt 1680 m. 20 JUL 1700 Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 20 JUL 1700 Canterbury
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 25 OCT 1700 Canterbury
Robert Johnson
b. abt m. 28 APR 1700 Saint Alphege, Canterbury
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 11 JAN 1700 St Mary Breadman, Canterbury
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 25 NOV 1701 Great Chart
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 27 AUG 1704 Saint Alphege, Canterbury
Sara Johnson
b. abt m. 06 FEB 1705 Saint Mary Magdalene, Canterbury
William Johnson
b. abt m. 16 SEP 1705 Canterbury
Ruth Johnson
b. abt m. 01 OCT 1702 Saint Alphege, Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 17 SEP 1704 St George, Canterbury
William Johnson
b. abt m. 16 SEP 1705 Canterbury Cathedral
Phillis Johnstone
b. abt m. 19 NOV 1705 Saint Alphege, Canterbury
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 10 OCT 1706 Saint George The Martyr, Canterbury
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 01 MAY 1709 St Mary Northgat, Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 14 JUN 1709 Saint Alphege, Canterbury
William Johnson
b. abt m. 16 SEP 1708 Canterbury,Cathedral
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 29 AUG 1710 St Margaret's, Canterbury
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 10 NOV 1709 Saint George The Martyr, Canterbury
Samuel Johnson
b. abt m. 01 JAN 1709 Saint Mary Bredin, Canterbury
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 25 AUG 1709 Canterbury
Hannh Johnson
b. abt m. 29 NOV 1711 Saint Paul, Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 10 APR 1711 Saint George The Martyr, Canterbury
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 26 JUL 1711 St Margarets, Canterbury
Alice Johnson
b. abt m. 02 NOV 1713 St Mary Northgat, Canterbury
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 13 JUL 1714 St Alphage, Canterbury
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 10 JUN 1716 Saint George The Martyr, Canterbury
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 29 JUL 1717 St Andrew's Church, Canterbury
Alice Johnson
b. abt m. 22 OCT 1717 Canterbury
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 06 MAY 1718 St George, Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 28 JAN 1718 Canterbury
Eve Johnson
b. abt m. 09 OCT 1718 All Saints, Canterbury
Richard Johnson
b. abt 1700 m. 06 AUG 1720 Canterbury Cathedral
William Johnston
b. abt m. 29 DEC 1720 Canterbury
Eliza Johnson
b. abt m. 22 AUG 1721 Canterbury
Elizabeth Johnston
b. abt m. 24 JUL 1721 St Dunstan, Canterbury
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 10 SEP 1723 Canterbury
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 26 MAY 1726 St Margaret's, Canterbury
Nathaniel Johnson
b. abt m. 26 SEP 1727 Saint George The Martyr, Canterbury
Catherine Johnson
b. abt m. 16 SEP 1728 All Saints, Canterbury
Samuel Johnson
b. abt 1708 m. 28 JUN 1728 Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 12 OCT 1728 St Andrew, Canterbury
Amie Johnson
b. abt m. 11 JUL 1731 Saint Mary Bredin, Canterbury
William Johnson
b. abt m. 12 NOV 1732 Canterbury Cathedral
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 24 MAR 1731 St Mary Breadman, Canterbury
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 10 NOV 1731 Canterbury Cathedral
William Johnson
b. abt m. 12 NOV 1732 Canterbury Cathedral
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 28 AUG 1732 St Mary Breadman,Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 19 FEB 1733 Saint Alphege, Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt m. 12 JUN 1736 Saint Alphege , Canterbury
Bethula Johnson
b. abt m. 06 OCT 1737 St Margaret's, Canterbury
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 26 APR 1738 St Botolph, Canterbury
John Johnson
b. abt 1722 m. 14 DEC 1744 St Mary Breadman, Canterbury
Henry Johnson
b. abt m. 10 JUN 1746 Saint Mary Bredin, Canterbury
Alice Johnson
b. abt m. 17 FEB 1747 Saint Alphege, Canterbury
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 20 SEP 1747 All Saints, Canterbury
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 30 SEP 1748 Canterbury
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 21 SEP 1748 St George, Canterbury
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 15 JUL 1750 Saint Dunstan, Canterbury
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 30 AUG 1750 Canterbury
William Johnson
b. abt m. 06 APR 1752 Saint Alphege, Canterbury
Henry E. Johnson
b. abt 1733 m. 12 OCT 1753 Canterbury Cathedral
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 08 DEC 1756 Saint Dunstan, Canterbury
Margaret Johnson
b. abt 1518 m. 25 OCT 1538 Stourmouth
Marga Johnson
b. abt m. 25 OCT 1542 Stourmouth
Mary Johnson
b. abt 1645 m. 04 JAN 1665 Stourmouth
Thomas Jhonsonne
b. abt 1518 m. 06 NOV 1538 St Peter's, Sandwich
Leonard Johnsone
b. abt 1521 m. 27 NOV 1541 St Peter's, Sandwich
Joan Johnsonne
b. abt m. 10 SEP 1543 St Peter's, Sandwich
Alyce Johnsone
b. abt m. 15 MAY 1541 St Peter's, Sandwich
Agnes Johnsonne
b. abt m. 02 NOV 1545 St Mary, Sandwich
John Johnsonne
b. abt m. 27 NOV 1555 St Mary, Sandwich
John Johnsone
b. abt 1542 m. 11 MAY 1562 St Mary, Sandwich
Peter Johnson
b. abt 1547 m. 17 OCT 1567 St Peter's, Sandwich
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 02 FEB 1573 St Clements, Sandwich
Agnes Johnsone
b. abt m. 20 AUG 1572 Sandwich
Jacamon Johnsone
b. abt m. 30 AUG 1573 St Peter's, Sandwich
Margery Johnson
b. abt m. 26 NOV 1568 St Mary, Sandwich
Christopher Johnson
b. abt m. 13 JAN 1572 St Clements, Sandwich
b. abt m. 10 JUN 1574 St Peter's, Sandwich
Denise Janson
b. abt m. 15 SEP 1577 St Peter's, Sandwich
Katheryn Johnsonne
b. abt m. 14 FEB 1576 St Peter's, Sandwich
Anthonia Johnson
b. abt m. 16 APR 1579 St Clements, Sandwich
Richard Johnsonne
b. abt 1562 m. 14 JAN 1582 St Mary, Sandwich
Samawell Johnsonne
b. abt m. 07 NOV 1586 St Peter's, Sandwich
Hellyn Johnsone
b. abt m. 18 JUL 1586 St Peter's, Sandwich
Isaach Johnson
b. abt 1579 m. 02 NOV 1599 St Peter's, Sandwich
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 04 MAY 1596 St Clements, Sandwich
Hellen Johnson
b. abt m. 27 NOV 1589 St Peter's, Sandwich
William Johnson
b. abt m. 08 JUL 1605 St Clements, Sandwich
Hester Johnson
b. abt m. 30 SEP 1600 St Clement, Sandwich
Barnard Johnson
b. abt m. 21 JUN 1605 St Clements, Sandwich
Hester Johnson
b. abt m. 30 SEP 1600 Sandwich
Edward Johnson
b. abt m. 13 DEC 1602 Sandwich
Sylvanus Johnson
b. abt m. 04 NOV 1612 Sandwich
Elizabeth Johnsonn
b. abt m. 09 APR 1611 St Peter's, Sandwich
Agnes Jansonn
b. abt m. 30 JAN 1615 St Peter's, Sandwich
Hester Johnson
b. abt m. 30 SEP 1600 Sandwich
Edward Johnson
b. abt m. 16 DEC 1602 St Mary, Sandwich
Mary JohnstonE
b. abt m. 17 AUG 1609 St Mary, Sandwich
Edward Johnson
b. abt m. 13 DEC 1602 Sandwich
Henry Johnsonne
b. abt m. 15 NOV 1607 St Mary, Sandwich
Alse Johnsone
b. abt m. 18 JAN 1613 St Mary, Sandwich
Sylvanus Johnson
b. abt m. 04 NOV 1612 Sandwich
John Johnsonn
b. abt m. 03 MAY 1613 St Peter's, Sandwich
William Johnson
b. abt m. 25 AUG 1617 Sandwich
Elias Johnson
b. abt 1607 m. 09 DEC 1627 St Clement, Sandwich
Isabell Johnsonn
b. abt m. 16 OCT 1626 St Peter's, Sandwich
Elias Johnsonne
b. abt m. 20 MAR 1632 St Peter's, Sandwich
Elias Johnson
b. abt m. 20 MAR 1631 Sandwich
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 04 AUG 1625 St Peter's, Sandwich
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 01 MAY 1633 St Peter's, Sandwich
Judith Johnsonn
b. abt m. 13 JUN 1637 St Mary, Sandwich
Mary Johnsone
b. abt m. 14 JAN 1637 St Peter's, Sandwich
Margary Johnsone
b. abt m. 11 JUN 1639 St Peter's, Sandwich
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 31 JAN 1640 Ash-Near-Sandwich
Daniel Johnson
b. abt m. 03 OCT 1749 Ash-Near-Sandwich
Martha Johnson
b. abt m. 07 FEB 1643 St Clements, Sandwich
Jeremiah Johnson
b. abt m. 06 FEB 1643 St Peter's, Sandwich
John Johnson
b. abt m. 17 OCT 1642 St Clement, Sandwich
Abraham Johnson
b. abt 1634 m. 15 MAY 1654 St Clements, Sandwich
Jane Johnson
b. abt 1634 m. 10 APR 1654 St Peter's, Sandwich
Anna Johnson
b. abt m. 11 JUN 1655 St Peter's, Sandwich
Robert Johnson
b. abt m. 31 DEC 1665 St Clements, Sandwich
Elizabeth Johnsonn
b. abt m. 01 APR 1672 St Mary, Sandwich
Abraham Johnson
b. abt m. 19 JUL 1656 St Peter's, Sandwich
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 02 APR 1654 St Mary, Sandwich
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 03 FEB 1655 St Mary, Sandwich
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 21 MAR 1658 St Peter's, Sandwich
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 01 APR 1662 St Mary, Sandwich
Aron Johnson
b. abt m. 20 OCT 1662 Ash-Near-Sandwich
Nicholas Johnson
b. abt 1662 m. 28 AUG 1682 St Mary, Sandwich
Edward Johnson
b. abt m. 06 JAN 1685 Sandwich
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 18 JUL 1686 St Clements, Sandwich
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 24 NOV 1688 St Clements, Sandwich
John Johnson
b. abt m. 16 JAN 1687 St Clements, Sandwich
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 25 MAY 1683 Sandwich
Anna Johnson
b. abt m. 04 APR 1691 St Mary, Sandwich
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 17 JUL 1699 St Peter's, Sandwich
Hannah Johnson
b. abt m. 13 JAN 1695 St Mary, Sandwich
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 17 OCT 1695 St Mary, Sandwich
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 10 NOV 1695 St Mary, Sandwich
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 01 NOV 1694 St Clements, Sandwich
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 19 SEP 1690 St Mary, Sandwich
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 22 APR 1695 St Peter's, Sandwich
William Johnson
b. abt 1682 m. 16 JAN 1701 St Peter's, Sandwich
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 20 JUN 1703 St Clements, Sandwich
William Johnson
b. abt m. 11 APR 1708 St Clements, Sandwich
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 14 FEB 1713 St Mary, Sandwich
John Johnson
b. abt m. 08 NOV 1713 St Peter's, Sandwich
Henry Johnson
b. abt m. 26 OCT 1714 Ash-Near-Sandwich
Robert Johnson
b. abt 1713 m. 23 MAY 1733 St Peter's, Sandwich
Ann Johnson
b. abt 1705 m. 03 JAN 1725 St Peter's, Sandwich
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 20 DEC 1730 St Clements, Sandwich
John Johnson
b. abt 1716 m. 13 NOV 1736 St Mary, Sandwich
Ann Johnson
b. abt 1728 m. 21 SEP 1748 Sandwich
Martha Johnson
b. abt 1743 m. 21 DEC 1763 St Peter's, Sandwich
John Johnson
05 NOV 1752 Ash-Near-Sandwich
William Johnson
b. abt 1520 m. 17 OCT 1540 Harrietsham to Margaret Adams
Catherine Johnson
b. abt 1583 m. 04 MAY 1603 Harrietsham
b. abt 1523 m. 18 JUL 1543 Maidstone
Arthur Johnson
b. abt m. 10 FEB 1569 Maidstone
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 19 JAN 1572 Maidstone
Francis Johnson
b. abt 1580 m. 05 JUN 1609 Maidstone
Francis Johnson
b. abt m. 24 MAY 1609 Maidstone
Alice Johnson
b. abt 1586 m. 14 MAY 1606 Maidstone
Joanne Johnson
b. abt m. 08 JUL 1605 Maidstone
Agnes Johnson
b. abt m. 28 JUL 1619 Maidstone
Dorothy Johnson
b. abt 1601 m. 09 APR 1621 Maidstone
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1609 m. 27 DEC 1629 Maidstone
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 13 JUN 1637 Maidstone
Mary Johnson
b. abt 1649 m. 13 JAN 1669 All Saints, Maidstone
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 02 MAY 1669 Maidstone
Rebecca Johnson
b. abt m. 19 MAY 1679 Maidstone
John Johnson
b. abt 1662 m. 30 APR 1682 Maidstone
Abraham Johnson
b. abt m. 13 JAN 1684 Maidstone
Edward Johnson
b. abt 1677 m. 20 DEC 1697 Maidstone
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 30 JUN 1696 Maidstone
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1703 m. 31 OCT 1723 Maidstone
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 22 APR 1723 Maidstone
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 19 FEB 1726 Maidstone
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 14 AUG 1733 All Saints, Maidstone
William Johnson
b. abt m. 20 JUN 1733 Maidstone
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 20 OCT 1735 Maidstone
William Johnson
b. abt m. 20 SEP 1739 Maidstone
Elisabeth Johnson
b. abt 1723 m. 15 JUN 1743 Maidstone
Edward Johnson
b. abt m. 23 MAY 1742 Maidstone
Robert Johnson
b. abt m. 06 DEC 1748 Maidstone
Cecelie Johnson
b. abt 1527 m. 16 JAN 1547 Nonington
Alice Johnsonne
b. abt 1544 m. 29 MAY 1559 Nonington
Julian Johnsonne
b. abt m. 30 JUN 1560 Nonington
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1724 m. 30 SEP 1744 Nonington
Tomsin Jonson
b. abt 1530 m. 27 OCT 1550 Elmstead
Margery Johnson
b. abt m. About 1561 Downe
Henry Johnson
b. abt 1561 m. 10 JUL 1581 Elmsted
Ephora Jhonson
b. abt m. 06 APR 1597 Elmstone
Penthaniel Janson
b. abt 1600 m. 02 JUL 1626 Elmstone
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1629 m. 15 SEP 1649 Elmstone
Mary Johnson
b. abt 1643 m. 15 NOV 1663 Elmstone
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 19 OCT 1667 Elmsted
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 17 JUN 1674 Elmstone
Robert Johnson
b. abt 1712 m. 14 NOV 1732 Elmstone
John Jonson
b. abt 1530 m. 15 DEC 1550 East Barming
Julyan Johnson
b. abt m. 09 FEB 1554 East Barming
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 24 JAN 1562 Hartford
Alice Johnson
b. abt 1545 m. 16 SEP 1565 Ightham
Matthew Johnson
b. abt 1550 m. 01 OCT 1570 Ightham
Joanne Jonsonn
b. abt m. 08 JUL 1572 East Sutton
Katheryn Johnson
b. abt 1554 m. 04 JUN 1574 Great Chart
Andrew Johnson
b. abt 1557 m. 30 SEP 1577 Kingston
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 18 OCT 1576 or 1578 Chillenden
Dorothie Johnson
b. abt m. 06 MAY 1576 Teston
Dorthie Johnson
b. abt m. 14 JUL 1578 Of St Georges
William Johnson
b. abt m. 15 JUL 1578 Chislehurst
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 27 SEP 1579 Ryarsh
Isobell Johnson
b. abt m. 30 OCT 1581 Kingestone
Margery Janson
b. abt m. 14 OCT 1583 Whitstable
Ann Johnson
b. abt 1567 m. 25 JUL 1587 East Langdon
Christopher Johnson
b. abt m. 15 JAN 1587 Lyminge
Rychard Johnson
b. abt m. 06 NOV 1587 Leigh
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 25 JUL 1587 Ripple
Agnes Johnson
b. abt m. 15 MAY 1588 Charter Magna
Robert Johnson
b. abt m. 01 AUG 1588 St Peters, Broadstairs
Margery Johnson
b. abt m. 20 JAN 1588 Kingston
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 29 JAN 1589 West Hythe
Frances Johnstonne
b. abt 1571 m. 25 NOV 1591 Cowden
Joice Jhonson
b. abt m. 22 NOV 1597 Owre
Amy Johnson
b. abt m. 28 OCT 1599 Bearsted
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1580 m. 27 SEP 1600 Brabourne
Margret Johnson
b. abt 1581 m. 21 APR 1601 Eastwell
Joane Johnson
b. abt m. 17 JAN 1602 Cheriton
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 18 JAN 1604 Hurst
Robert Johnson
b. abt m. 30 JUN 1605 Hastingleigh
Edmund Jonson
b. abt m. 15 JUN 1607 Trottiscliffe
Martyn Johnson
b. abt m. 22 SEP 1608 Cowden
Joane Johnson
b. abt m. 09 OCT 1609 Adisham
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 30 JUL 1610 Ospringe
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 30 JUL 1610 Smarden
Bridget Johnson
b. abt m. 14 FEB 1610 Saint Dunstan
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 08 FEB 1611 Hythe
Agnes Johnson
b. abt m. 24 APR 1611 Bakerbourne
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 09 FEB 1611 Kingston
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 30 SEP 1612 Saint Nicholas At Wade
Sylvan Johnson
b. abt m. 09 NOV 1612 Biddenden
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 06 SEP 1613 Bilsington
John Johnson
b. abt m. 21 SEP 1613 Darenth
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 19 SEP 1614 Northbourne
Jeremy Jonson
b. abt m. 15 JUN 1615 Chislehurst
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 23 OCT 1615 Sutton
Consider Janson
b. abt m. 04 JUN 1615 Goudhurst
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 23 OCT 1615 Barham
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 09 APR 1616 Pluckley
Mary Johnson
b. abt 1600 m. 14 FEB 1617 Elham
Thomas Jansson
b. abt m. 10 NOV 1617 Brenchley
David Johnson
b. abt m. 07 APR 1619 Eshford
John Johnson
b. abt m. 26 FEB 1619 Boughton, Blean
Joan Johnson
b. abt 1600 m. 27 AUG 1620 Otterden
Peter Johnson
b. abt 1600 m. 08 MAY 1620 Harbledown
Judith Johnson
b. abt m. 17 APR 1620 Woodnesborough
Joanna Johnson
b. abt m. 17 JUN 1622 Boughton Monchel
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 20 JUL 1622 Kenardington,Parish
Thomas Johnsonne
b. abt m. 27 JUL 1620 Boughton Under Blean
Mary Jansen
b. abt m. 21 NOV 1626 Benenden
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 05 MAR 1627 Egerton
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 03 MAR 1628 Boughton Malherbe
Alice Johnson
b. abt m. 03 NOV 1628 Teynham
John Johnson
b. abt m. 12 MAY 1629 Of Hinsell
Jana Johnson
b. abt m. 12 OCT 1630 Hartlip
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 06 JUN 1630 Cowden
Miles Johnson
b. abt m. 11 FEB 1633 Old Romney
Rebecka Johnson
b. abt m. 07 OCT 1632 Shipbourne
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 11 FEB 1633 Hartlip
Bennet Johnson
b. abt m. 11 JAN 1634 Hollingbourne
Margaret (widow) Johnson
b. abt m. 11 AUG 1634 Bapchild
Katherine Johnson
b. abt m. 11 FEB 1635 Leybourne
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 02 NOV 1635 Orlestone
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 23 NOV 1637 Brabourne
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 29 APR 1637 Thanington
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 25 APR 1638 Northbourne
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 24 JUL 1638 Lower Hardres
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 21 JUL 1638 Hythe
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 18 JUN 1639 Shipbourne
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 08 OCT 1639 Appledore Parish
Nicholas Johnson
b. abt 1622 m. 22 APR 1642 Luddesdown
Dorothy Johnson
b. abt 1623 m. 13 APR 1643 Shipbourne
Margret Johnson
b. abt m. 13 MAR 1643 Monkton
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 26 FEB 1645 Ryarsh
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 03 MAY 1647 Leigh
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 09 OCT 1647 Newington
Lenard Johnson
b. abt m. 07 JUN 1647 Lullingstone
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 10 AUG 1648 Lower Hardres
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1628 m. 29 JUN 1648 Mersham
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 29 JUN 1648 Of Hinxell
Lancelot Johnson
b. abt m. 26 AUG 1649 Challock
Joannem Johnson
b. abt m. 23 APR 1651 Wouldham
Anne Janson
b. abt m. 14 FEB 1653 Brenchley
Robert Johnson
b. abt m. 05 NOV 1654 Milton Next Sittingbourne
Robert Johnson
b. abt m. 09 NOV 1655 Milton Next Sittingbourne
Robert Johnson
b. abt m. 04 MAY 1657 Cowden
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 12 AUG 1661 Shadoxhurst
Peter Johnson
b. abt m. 16 OCT 1663 Hythe
Henry Johnson
b. abt m. About 1663 Melton
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 01 FEB 1664 Tudeley And Capel
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 16 FEB 1664 Hastingleigh
Jean Johnson
b. abt m. 25 AUG 1665 Elmley Castle
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 02 OCT 1666 Lower Hardres
Silas Johnson
b. abt m. 27 MAY 1667 Bearsted
William Johnson
b. abt m. 22 FEB 1668 Hawkinge
Judith Johnson
b. abt m. 22 SEP 1668 Pluckley
Edward Johnson
b. abt 1650 m. 18 NOV 1670 Lympne Prob
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 28 NOV 1671 Snodland
John Johnson
b. abt 1652 m. 26 NOV 1672 Keston
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 29 SEP 1678 Milton Next Sittingbourne
Joana Johnson
b. abt 1659 m. 12 MAY 1679 Saint Dunstan
Edward Johnson
b. abt m. 26 FEB 1680 Reculver
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 22 OCT 1682 Brabourne
Hester Johnson
b. abt m. 19 MAY 1684 Pluckley
Stephen Johnson
b. abt m. 16 OCT 1684 Kingsnorth
John Johnson
b. abt m. 27 MAR 1683 Hunton
Hester Johnson
b. abt m. 19 MAY 1684 Hythe
Frances Johnston
b. abt m. 08 APR 1686 Lower Hardres
Ales Johnson
b. abt m. 07 OCT 1686 Of Ash
John Johnson
b. abt m. 17 JUN 1687 Ebony
Jane Johnson
b. abt m. 04 AUG 1687 Orlestone
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 19 SEP 1688 Of Milton
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 29 AUG 1688 Of Milton
John Johnson
b. abt m. 24 OCT 1689 Boughton, Blean
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 29 AUG 1688 Sittingbourne
Jane Johnson
b. abt m. 16 JUN 1690 Mereworth
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 27 OCT 1694 Of Ash
Jasper Johnson
b. abt m. 19 OCT 1697 Linton
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 11 SEP 1697 Headcorn
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 23 FEB 1697 Nettlestead
Jane Johnson
b. abt m. 16 MAY 1698 Horsmonden
Samuel Johnson
b. abt m. 13 JUL 1699 Wymyngeweld
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 17 JUL 1699 Walmer
Frances Johnston
b. abt 1680 m. 10 DEC 1700 Saint Nicholas At Wade
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1681 m. 28 SEP 1701 Chartham
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 08 JUN 1703 Ickham
John Johnson
b. abt m. 17 SEP 1704 Of Patrixborne
Ruth Johnson
b. abt 1682 m. 01 OCT 1702 Otterden
Hannah Johnson
b. abt m. 14 JUN 1705 Marden
Robert Johnson
b. abt 1685 m. 29 NOV 1705 Leigh
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 20 OCT 1706 Preston
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 06 FEB 1706 Ash
Anne Johnson
b. abt m. 02 OCT 1707 Hayes
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 04 FEB 1707 Chevening
Bancks Johnson
b. abt m. 21 APR 1708 Woolwich
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 15 NOV 1708 Teston
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 28 AUG 1709 Biddenden
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 10 NOV 1709 Of Rucking
Rebecca Johnson
b. abt m. 19 NOV 1710 Milton Next Sittingbourne
John Johnson
b. abt m. 11 JUN 1713 Wichling
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 21 AUG 1715 Throwley
Henry Johnson
b. abt 1696 m. 28 FEB 1716 Boughton Under
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 05 APR 1719 Yalding
James Johnson
b. abt 1700 m. 07 AUG 1720 Milton Next Sittingbourne
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 06 AUG 1720 Norton
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 06 AUG 1720 Ospringe
William Johnson
b. abt m. 20 MAY 1721 Milton Next Sittingbourne
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 15 DEC 1722 Cobham
John Johnson
b. abt m. 19 APR 1724 Milton Next Sittingbourne
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 30 SEP 1725 Wickhambreaux
Johnson b. abt m. 08 JUL 1728 Cheriton
John Johnson
b. abt m. 16 MAR 1727 Of Milton
Jeptha Johnson
b. abt m. 19 MAY 1732 Penshurst
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 10 JUN 1734 Harbledown
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 19 AUG 1737 Wickham
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1722 m. 11 NOV 1742 Otford
Deborah Johnson
b. abt 1725 m. 01 APR 1745 South Elham
Robert Johnson
b. abt m. 06 JAN 1742 Wickhambreaux
Robert Johnson
b. abt m. 24 JUN 1749 Wickhambreaux
Catherine Johnson
b. abt m. 20 OCT 1749 Wateringbury
Susan Johnson
b. abt m. 21 FEB 1757 Ickham
John Johnson
b. abt m. 03 MAY 1760 Benenden
George Johnson
b. abt m. 26 SEP 1742 East Barming
Robert Johnson
b. abt 1531 m. 05 APR 1551 Offham
Jone Johnson
b. abt m. 23 OCT 1558 Offham
John Johnson
b. abt 1605 m. 26 JUN 1625 Offham
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 26 NOV 1620 Offham
Margret Johnson
b. abt m. 23 JUL 1639 Offham
Susanna Johnson
b. abt m. 09 NOV 1694 Offham
Anne Johnson
b. abt m. 26 OCT 1704 Offham
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1700 m. 09 JUN 1728 Offham
b. abt 1537 m. MAR 1557 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
b. abt m. 15 JUL 1558 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Henrye Johnson
b. abt 1544 m. 03 DEC 1564 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Rose Johnson
b. abt m. 16 OCT 1564 Denton Near Dover
John Johnson
b. abt 1559 m. 06 FEB 1579 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Parnell Johnson
b. abt 1550 m. 03 AUG 1570 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Jeames Johnson
b. abt 1552 m. 18 AUG 1572 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Em Johnson
b. abt m. 20 APR 1579 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Jone Johnson
b. abt m. 11 JAN 1584 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Alse Johnson
b. abt m. 17 JUN 1588 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Edward Johnson
b. abt 1578 m. 17 MAY 1598 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Mathewe Johnsone
b. abt m. 04 OCT 1597 Saint James The Apostle, Dover
Samuel Johnson
b. abt m. 28 JUL 1600 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 27 APR 1605 Dover
Matthew Johnson
b. abt m. 11 JUL 1608 Dover
John Johnson
b. abt m. 01 NOV 1614 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
John Johnson
b. abt m. 28 NOV 1616 Dover
Henrie Henrie Jonson
b. abt 1605 m. 18 SEP 1625 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Kathran Johnson
b. abt 1600 m. 09 SEP 1620 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Katharine Johnson
b. abt m. 22 JUN 1620 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
John Johnson
b. abt m. 09 MAR 1625 Saint James The Apostle, Dover
Joane Jonson
b. abt m. 04 APR 1627 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 26 APR 1630 Dover
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 26 APR 1630 Dover
John Johnson
b. abt m. 16 OCT 1631 Buckland N, Dover
Sara Johnson
b. abt m. 13 MAY 1633 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
John Jonson
b. abt m. 23 AUG 1635 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 21 JUN 1636 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Giles Johnson
b. abt 1619 m. 08 MAR 1639 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Margret Johnson
b. abt 1620 m. 25 OCT 1640 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 21 OCT 1664 Dover
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 26 OCT 1664 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Giles Johnson
b. abt 1647 m. 06 JUN 1667 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Anne Johnson
b. abt m. 15 SEP 1670 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Richard Johnson
b. abt 1652 m. 02 JUL 1672 Charlton Near Dover
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 07 DEC 1674 Saint James The Apostle, Dover
Barent Johnson
b. abt m. 13 AUG 1674 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Martha Johnson
b. abt m. 04 FEB 1674 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Roger Johnson
b. abt m. 22 SEP 1673 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
John Johnson
b. abt 1658 m. 26 NOV 1678 Dover
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 25 MAY 1683 Dover
Susanna Johnston
b. abt m. 26 NOV 1699 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 10 OCT 1696 Saint James The Apostle, Dover
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 25 JAN 1698 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
John Johnson
b. abt 1680 m. 08 MAY 1700 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
John Johnston
b. abt m. 30 JUL 1705 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
Deborah Janssen
b. abt m. 22 AUG 1706 Saint James The Apostle, Dover
Margaret Johnston
b. abt m. 01 DEC 1707 Saint Mary The Virgin, Dover
William Johnson
b. abt 1704 m. 17 APR 1724 Saint James The Apostle, Dover
William Johnson
b. abt m. 24 JUN 1734 Charlton Near Dover
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1538 m. 20 JUN 1558 Hadlow
Jone Johnson
b. abt m. 16 SEP 1565 Hadlow
Edmund Johnson
b. abt 1586 m. 20 JUL 1606 Hadlow
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1587 m. 16 AUG 1607 St Mary's Church, Hadlow
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 19 FEB 1611 Hadlow
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1606 m. 12 AUG 1622 Hadlow
Joane Johnson
b. abt m. 14 JUN 1625 Hadlow
Allice Johnson
b. abt m. 10 JUL 1676 Hadlow
John Johnson
b. abt 1732 m. 26 NOV 1752 Hadlow
Margarett Johnson
b. abt m. 19 SEP 1757 Hadlow
Dorothy Johnson
b. abt 1538 m. 16 NOV 1558 West Farleigh
Dorothy Johnson
b. abt 1646 m. 16 NOV 1566 West Farleigh
Steven Johnson
b. abt 1571 m. 30 JAN 1591 East Farleigh
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 13 NOV 1598 East Farleigh
Margaret Johnsonne
b. abt 1594 m. 16 NOV 1614 West Farleigh
Richard Johnson
b. abt 1600 m. 25 SEP 1620 East Farleigh
William Johnsonne
b. abt 1601 m. 03 MAY 1621 West Farleigh
John Johnson
b. abt 1607 m. 07 FEB 1627 West Farleigh
John Johnson
b. abt m. 10 NOV 1633 East Farleigh
Stephen Johnson
b. abt m. 17 NOV 1634 West Farleigh
William Johnson
b. abt m. 06 AUG 1638 West Farleigh
Allice Jonson
b. abt 1628 m. 25 DEC 1648 West Farleigh
William Jonson
b. abt 1647 m. 05 NOV 1667 East Farleigh
John Johnson
b. abt 1675 m. 09 MAY 1695 West Farleigh
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1680 m. 01 APR 1700 East Farleigh
Frances Johnston
b. abt m. 19 DEC 1687 West Farleigh
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 23 FEB 1696 West Farleigh
John Johnson
b. abt m. 27 MAR 1683 West Farleigh
Sarah Johnson
b. abt 1700 m. 07 DEC 1718 West Farleigh
John Johnson
b. abt m. 04 DEC 1722 West Farleigh
John Johnson
b. abt 1712 m. 04 DEC 1732 West Farliegh
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 30 NOV 1732 West Farleigh
Richard Johnson
b. abt 1538 m. 26 NOV 1558 Chislet
Elizabet Janson
b. abt 1527 m. 12 JUN 1547 Chislet
Richard Johnson
b. abt 1564 m. 20 JUL 1584 Chislet
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 20 AUG 1592 Chislet
Katherine Johnson
b. abt 1580 m. 15 SEP 1600 Chislet
Catherine Johnson
b. abt m. 20 AUG 1600 Chislet
Frances Johnston
b. abt m. 10 DEC 1700 Chislet
Susanne Johnson
b. abt 1727 m. 27 SEP 1747 Chislet
Susan Johnson
b. abt m. 27 SEP 1748 Chislet
Alice Johnson
b. abt 1539 m. 26 JUN 1559 Cranbrook
Katha Johnson
b. abt m. 11 MAY 1562 Cranbrook
Robert Johnson
b. abt 1550 m. 19 DEC 1570 Cranbrook
Alice Johnson
b. abt 1557 m. 15 APR 1577 Cranbrook
Joan Johnson
b. abt m. 03 JUN 1583 Cranbrook
John Johnson
b. abt m. 19 JUL 1584 Cranbrook
Catherine Johnson
b. abt m. 20 JUL 1590 Cranbrook
John Johnson
b. abt m. 09 JUN 1594 Cranbrook
John Johnson
b. abt m. 04 SEP 1598 Cranbrook
Nicolas Johnson
b. abt m. 20 APR 1615 Cranbrook
Anne Johnson
b. abt m. 04 NOV 1608 Cranbrook
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 05 SEP 1603 Cranbrook
John Johnson
b. abt 1608 m. 27 APR 1628 Cranbrook
Anne Johnson
b. abt 1619 m. 28 MAY 1639 Cranbrook
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 29 APR 1628 Cranbrook
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 12 OCT 1629 Cranbrook
Alis Johnson
b. abt 1539 m. 02 JUL 1559 Goodnestone By Sandwich
Joane Johnson
b. abt m. 13 JUL 1560 Goodnestone By Sandwich
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 25 APR 1575 Goodnestone By Sandwich
William Johnson
b. abt 1584 m. 16 JAN 1614 Goodnestone By Sandwich
SARA Johnson
b. abt m. 16 JAN 1614 Goodnestone By Sandwich
John Jonson
b. abt 1615 m. 20 SEP 1635 Goodnestone By Sandwich
Robart Jonson
b. abt 1688 m. 02 APR 1708 Goodnestone By Sandwich
Cirley Janson
b. abt 1539 m. 04 SEP 1559 Chilham
John Johnson
b. abt m. 14 OCT 1588 Hoath
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 06 SEP 1584 Cudham
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 06 SEP 1584 Cudham
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 29 JAN 1589 West Hythe
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 25 JUL 1587 East Langdon
Sisle Johnson
b. abt m. 12 APR 1591 At St George's,Cant
Warham Johnson
b. abt m. 21 JUL 1590 Egerton
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 30 AUG 1590 Ightham
Katherine Johnson
b. abt m. 30 JAN 1592 Wooton
Ralph Johnson
b. abt m. 26 SEP 1592 Crundale
Susanna Johnson
b. abt m. 04 DEC 1592 New Romney
Henrye Jonson
b. abt m. 03 JUL 1592 Hunton
Mariam Janson
b. abt m. 23 SEP 1594 Lenham
John Johnson
b. abt m. 21 OCT 1594 Kent
Arthur Johnson
b. abt m. 08 MAY 1596 Burmash
Chrystian Jonson
b. abt m. 27 JUN 1597 Cheriton
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 27 SEP 1600 Of Brobourne
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 18 JAN 1604 Hurst
Catherine Johnson
b. abt m. 1607 Bridge
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 30 JUL 1610 Ospringe
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 08 FEB 1611 Hythe
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 09 APR 1616 Pluckley
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 06 SEP 1613 Bilsington
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1600 m. 05 NOV 1616 Great Mongeham
Peter Johnson
b. abt m. 08 MAY 1620 Harbledown
Judith Johnson
b. abt m. 17 APR 1620 Woodnesborough
Edward Johnson
b. abt m. 19 APR 1622 Waltham
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 07 NOV 1625 Leeds
Goulding Jhonson
b. abt m. 28 JUL 1623 Pembury
Thomas Jonson
b. abt m. 02 NOV 1626 Eltham
Katherin Johnsonn
b. abt m. 20 JUL 1624 Harbledown
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 14 JUN 1638 Betteshanger
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 02 NOV 1635 Oreleston
Miles Johnson
b. abt m. 11 FEB 1633 Old Rommey
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 21 JUL 1638 Hythe
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 29 APR 1637 Thanington
Ursula Johnson
b. abt m. 16 JUL 1638 Bilsington
William Johnson
b. abt 1620 m. 20 JUN 1641 Of St Johns
Patience Johnson
b. abt m. 25 OCT 1649 Stone In Isle Oxney
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 29 JUN 1648 Hinxhill
Mary Johnson
b. abt 1620 m. 16 SEP 1644 Chevening
Margret Johnson
b. abt m. 13 MAR 1643 Monkton
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 09 OCT 1647 Newington
Matthew Johnson
b. abt m. 12 NOV 1656 Kent
Lawrance Jr. Johnson
b. abt 1650 m. 23 MAY 1670 Hoath
Elezabeath Johnson
b. abt m. 17 MAR 1668 Chislehurst
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 22 DEC 1674 Rolvenden
Edward Johnson
b. abt m. 18 NOV 1670 Lympne
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. After 16 SEP 1660 Cowden
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 18 SEP 1679 Upper Hardres
Katherine Johnson
b. abt m. 16 OCT 1667 Shepherd's-Well
John Johnson
b. abt m. 30 JUN 1669 Appledore
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 02 FEB 1678 Erith
Anne Johnson
b. abt m. 26 APR 1669 High Halden
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 19 SEP 1688 Of Milton
Jane Johnson
b. abt m. 04 AUG 1687 Orlestone
Henry Johnson
b. abt m. 1683 Melton
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 29 AUG 1688 Of Milton
Edward Johnson
b. abt m. 26 FEB 1680 Reculver
Ales Johnson
b. abt m. 07 OCT 1686 Of Ash
Hester Johnson
b. abt m. 19 MAY 1684 Hythe
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 11 SEP 1697 Headcorn
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 27 OCT 1694 Ash
Susanna Johnson
b. abt m. 06 DEC 1692 Patrixbourne
William Johnson
b. abt m. 31 JUL 1684 Womenswold
Samuel Johnson
b. abt m. 13 JUL 1699 Womenswold
John Johnson
b. abt m. 10 MAY 1704 Womenswold
John Johnson
b. abt m. 10 APR 1711 Preston
John Johnson
b. abt 1700 m. 31 JAN 1720 Alkham
Henry Johnson
b. abt m. 18 AUG 1723 Lyminge
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 22 SEP 1733 St John, Barham
John Johnson
b. abt m. 16 MAR 1727 Of Milton
Peter Johnson
b. abt m. 01 APR 1730 Hougham
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 10 JUN 1734 Habledown
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 10 NOV 1731 Postling
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 07 AUG 1736 Postling
John Johnson
b. abt m. 10 FEB 1735 Ruckinge
Catharine Johnson
b. abt 1729 m. 20 OCT 1749 Boughton Malhorbe
John Johnson
b. abt 1539 m. 09 OCT 1559 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
Agnes Johnson
b. abt m. 16 JUL 1566 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
Alice Johnson
b. abt m. 12 JAN 1567 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
John Johnson
b. abt 1550 m. 30 NOV 1570 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
Margret Johnson
b. abt m. 22 NOV 1576 Thanet
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 22 NOV 1516 Of Thanet
John Johnson
b. abt 1563 m. 12 DEC 1583 Of Thanet
Robert Johnson
b. abt m. 01 AUG 1588 Saint Peters Thanet
Margery Johnson
b. abt m. 21 NOV 1591 Saint Peters Thanet
John Johnson
b. abt m. 09 JUN 1596 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
John Johnson
b. abt m. 30 NOV 1598 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
Charles Johnson
b. abt m. 19 MAY 1595 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
Henry Johnson
b. abt 1583 m. 17 JAN 1603 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
Alice Johnson
b. abt m. 21 NOV 1603 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
Parnell Jhonsone
b. abt 1583 m. 17 JAN 1602 St Mary, Minster On Thanet
Katherine Johnson
b. abt m. 05 OCT 1601 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 08 FEB 1611 Hythe
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 01 DEC 1613 Is Of Thanet
Thomas Jhonsone
b. abt m. 02 DEC 1613 St Mary, Minster On Thanet
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 16 SEP 1616 Saint John In Thanet
Alicia Johnson
b. abt m. 18 APR 1616 St Mary, Minster On Thanet
John Johnson
b. abt m. 28 FEB 1616 Is Of Thanet
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 30 NOV 1618 Of Thanet
John Johnson
b. abt 1604 m. 13 SEP 1624 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
Joan Johnson
b. abt m. 18 APR 1625 Saint John In Thanet
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 01 OCT 1629 Isle Of Thanet
Robert Johnson
b. abt 1617 m. 16 JAN 1637 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
John Johnson
b. abt m. 13 JUN 1637 Thanet
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 22 JUN 1638 Thanet
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 25 OCT 1628 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
Jane Johnson
b. abt m. 10 OCT 1627 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 06 NOV 1632 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
Johannes Johnson
b. abt m. 01 NOV 1638 St Mary, Minster On Thanet
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1631 m. 13 JAN 1651 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
Luce Johnson
b. abt m. 24 NOV 1663 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
John Johnson
b. abt 1645 m. 05 OCT 1665 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 05 APR 1670 St Mary, Minster On Thanet
Joanna Johnson
b. abt m. 04 SEP 1677 St Lawrence,Thanet
John Johnson
b. abt 1659 m. 07 SEP 1679 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
William Johnson
b. abt m. 12 FEB 1680 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
William Johnson
b. abt m. 23 OCT 1683 St Mary, Minster On Thanet
Dorothie Johnsonn
b. abt m. 15 DEC 1689 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 05 DEC 1695 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 29 NOV 1695 Of Thanet
Dorcas Johnson
b. abt m. 31 MAR 1695 St Mary, Minster On Thanet
Robert Johnson
b. abt 1685 m. 23 DEC 1705 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
Henry Johnson
b. abt m. 04 JAN 1705 St Mary, Minster On Thanet
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 18 JUL 1706 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
Anne Johnson
b. abt 1705 m. 10 DEC 1721 St Mary, Minster On Thanet
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 11 FEB 1727 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
Henry Johnson
b. abt m. 12 OCT 1735 Thanet
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1720 m. 27 NOV 1740 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
William Johnson
b. abt 1724 m. 27 OCT 1744 St Mary, Minster On Thanet
Anne Johnson
b. abt m. 12 JAN 1740 St Mary, Minster On Thanet
Elizabeth Johnson
01 DEC 1734 St Mary, Minster On Thanet
Henry Johnson
b. abt 1733 m. 12 OCT 1753 Thanet
John Johnson
01 DEC 1752 Saint Laurence (Thanet)
Elizabeth Johnson
05 NOV 1732 St Mary, Minster On Thanet
John Jhonson
b. abt 1540 m. 02 SEP 1560 Tonbridge
Margaret Jhonson
b. abt m. 23 JUN 1566 Tonbridge
Joan Johnson
b. abt m. 01 NOV 1563 Tonbridge
Richard Johnson
b. abt 1562 m. 18 AUG 1582 Tonbridge
Edmond Johnson
b. abt m. 21 JUN 1584 Tonbridge
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 12 DEC 1597 Tonbridge
Roger Johnson
b. abt m. 21 SEP 1589 Tonbridge
Rose Johnson
b. abt m. 12 JUN 1583 Tonbridge
William Johnson
b. abt m. 08 DEC 1589 Tonbridge
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 29 DEC 1596 Tonbridge
William Johnson
b. abt 1580 m. 05 FEB 1597 Tonbridge
Michael Johnson
b. abt 1590 m. 09 JUL 1610 Tonbridge
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 02 JUL 1604 Tonbridge
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 10 AUG 1606 Tonbridge
Isabel Johnson
b. abt m. 08 MAY 1610 Tonbridge
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 10 JUN 1611 Tonbridge
Edmond Johnson
b. abt m. 24 NOV 1617 Tonbridge
Cicill Johnson
b. abt m. 22 JAN 1611 Tonbridge
William Johnson
b. abt m. 27 MAY 1616 Tonbridge
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 02 JUN 1618 Tonbridge
Edmond Johnson
b. abt 1600 m. 04 MAY 1621 Tonbridge
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 19 MAY 1622 Tonbridge
Abraham Johnson
b. abt 1610 m. 25 APR 1630 Tonbridge
William Johnson
b. abt 1605 m. 27 OCT 1625 Tonbridge
Alice Johnson
b. abt m. 25 SEP 1625 Tonbridge
William Johnson
b. abt m. 23 SEP 1627 Tonbridge
Jane Johnson
b. abt m. 30 JUL 1627 Tonbridge
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 15 JUN 1628 Tonbridge
Mariam Johnson
b. abt m. 02 AUG 1630 Tonbridge
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 29 SEP 1635 Tonbridge
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 19 APR 1636 Tonbridge
Nicholas Johnson
b. abt m. 30 MAR 1635 Tonbridge
Josiah Johnson
b. abt m. 27 JAN 1634 Tonbridge
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 06 AUG 1637 Tonbridge
Benjamin Johnson
b. abt m. About 1625 Tonbridge
Rob Johnson
b. abt 1621 m. 25 JUL 1641 Tonbridge
Abraham Johnson
b. abt 1624 m. 25 SEP 1644 Tonbridge
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1637 m. 23 MAR 1657 Tonbridge
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 16 MAR 1655 Tonbridge
Jane Johnson
b. abt m. 10 AUG 1645 Tonbridge
Nat Johnson
b. abt m. 26 JUN 1645 Tonbridge
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 16 MAR 1655 Tonbridge
John Johnson
b. abt m. 11 MAY 1658 Tonbridge
Nicholas Johnson
b. abt m. 24 MAR 1655 Tonbridge
William Johnson
b. abt m. 13 OCT 1656 Tonbridge
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1656 m. 20 MAR 1676 Tonbridge
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1646 m. 04 DEC 1666 Tonbridge
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 28 NOV 1666 Tonbridge
Ursula Johnson
b. abt m. 31 MAR 1673 Tonbridge
Nicholas Johnson
b. abt m. 26 AUG 1674 Tonbridge
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 05 OCT 1674 Tonbridge
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 26 OCT 1679 Tonbridge
Abraham Johnson
b. abt m. 02 JUL 1671 Tonbridge
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 13 OCT 1670 Tonbridge
William Johnson
b. abt m. 27 APR 1662 Tonbridge
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 24 MAR 1673 Tonbridge
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 26 OCT 1679 Tonbridge
William Johnson
b. abt 1679 m. 21 JAN 1699 Tonbridge
Richard Johnson
b. abt 1666 m. 05 MAY 1685 Tonbridge
Jane Johnson
b. abt m. 13 MAY 1683 Tonbridge
John Johnson
b. abt m. 27 MAR 1683 Tunbridge
Susannah Johnson
b. abt m. 02 APR 1684 Tunbridge Wells
Mary Jonson
b. abt m. 21 DEC 1691 Tonbridge
Penelope Johnson
b. abt m. 14 AUG 1693 Tonbridge
Richard Jonson
b. abt m. 28 SEP 1690 St Peter,St Paul, Tonbridge
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 31 JUL 1694 Tonbridge
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 06 MAR 1688 Tonbridge
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 15 MAR 1682 Tonbridge
Joan Johnson
b. abt m. 26 OCT 1693 Tonbridge
Dory Jonson
b. abt m. 21 JUL 1691 Tonbridge
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 15 SEP 1695 Tonbridge
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 30 APR 1700 Tonbridge
Alice Johnson
b. abt m. 22 OCT 1708 Tonbridge
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 24 AUG 1703 Tonbridge
Marth Johnson
b. abt m. 21 NOV 1703 Tonbridge
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 24 OCT 1706 Tonbridge
Richard Johnson
b. abt 1682 m. 29 JUN 1702 Tonbridge
Alice Johnson
b. abt m. 04 MAY 1701 Tonbridge
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 29 APR 1701 Tonbridge
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 14 APR 1702 Tonbridge
Mildred Johnson
b. abt m. 03 MAY 1720 Tunbridge Wells
William Johnson
b. abt 1703 m. 01 OCT 1723 Tonbridge
Hannah Johnson
b. abt 1722 m. 27 FEB 1742 Tonbridge
Sam Johnson
b. abt m. 27 OCT 1749 Tonbridge
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 09 APR 1755 Tonbridge
Johan Jonson
b. abt 1541 m. 19 MAY 1561 Staplehurst
George Johnson
b. abt 1599 m. 04 APR 1619 Staplehurst
George Johnson
b. abt 1611 m. 10 MAY 1631 Staplehurst
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 07 APR 1635 Staplehurst
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 05 FEB 1638 Staplehurst
George Johnson
b. abt m. 31 JAN 1639 Staplehurst
George Johnson
b. abt m. 04 FEB 1640 Staplehurst
Richard Jansen
b. abt 1651 m. 16 MAY 1671 Staplehurst
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1700 m. 31 OCT 1723 Staplehurst
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1542 m. 24 JAN 1562 Dartford
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 26 FEB 1592 Dartford
Catherine Albert Johnson
b. abt m. 05 OCT 1600 Dartford
Sylvester Johnson
b. abt m. 01 NOV 1609 Dartford
Dorothy Johnson
b. abt m. 07 OCT 1610 Dartford
Jone Johnson
b. abt m. 11 JUN 1609 Dartford
Ralph Johnson
b. abt m. 27 APR 1625 Dartford
Steven Johnson
b. abt m. 20 FEB 1633 Dartford
William Johnson
b. abt m. 05 MAY 1636 Dartford
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 13 JAN 1638 Dartford
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 23 JUL 1640 Dartford
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 13 JAN 1638 Dartford
John Johnson
b. abt m. 04 JUN 1671 Dartford
Burbeck Johnson
b. abt m. 28 DEC 1685 Dartford
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 08 OCT 1710 Dartford
John Johnson
b. abt m. 28 APR 1717 Dartford
John Johnson
b. abt 1700 m. 03 NOV 1719 Dartford
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1700 m. 22 APR 1717 Dartford
John Johnson
b. abt m. 28 APR 1717 Dartford
John Johnson
b. abt m. 01 JUL 1722 Hartley By Dartford
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 05 JUL 1736 Dartford
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 05 JUL 1736 Dartford
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 27 JUL 1738 Dartford
John Johnson
b. abt 1722 m. 11 NOV 1742 Dartford
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 02 DEC 1759 Dartford
John Jonson
b. abt 1543 m. 10 MAY 1563 Farnborough
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1582 m. 27 SEP 1602 Farnborough
John Jonson
b. abt 1543 m. 10 MAY 1563 Chelsfield
Sarah Johnson
b. abt 1640 m. 27 SEP 1660 Chelsfield
Hannah Johnson
b. abt m. 15 MAY 1665 Chelsfield
Frances Johnston
b. abt m. 07 JUL 1670 Chelsfield
Phylyp Jansson
b. abt m. 29 JAN 1564 Bethersden
Phillip Johnston
b. abt m. 21 SEP 1572 Bethersden
Josras Johnson
b. abt m. 31 MAY 1575 Bethersden
Phillip Johnson
b. abt 1564 m. 16 JUL 1584 Bethersden
Marye Johnson
b. abt m. 22 JAN 1582 Bethersden
Agnes Johnson
b. abt m. 15 MAY 1588 Bethersden
Joan Johnson
b. abt m. 13 OCT 1600 Bethersden
Tho. Johnson
b. abt 1686 m. 03 JUN 1706 Bethersden
Anne Johnson
b. abt m. 22 OCT 1696 Bethersden
Annie Johnson
b. abt m. 22 APR 1712 Bethersden
John Johnson
b. abt 1717 m. 03 NOV 1737 Bethersden
Anne Johnson
b. abt 1712 m. 07 DEC 1732 Bethersden
Elizabeth Johnson
22 OCT 1739 Bethersden
Elizabeth Johnson
31 JUL 1742 Bethersden
Humfry Johnson
b. abt 1544 m. 26 OCT 1564 Ash By Wrotham
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 02 JUN 1575 Ash By Wrotham
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 11 FEB 1582 Ash By Wrotham
Charles Johnson
b. abt m. 11 JUL 1593 Ash By Wrotham
John Johnson
b. abt m. 07 MAY 1598 Ash By Wrotham
John Johnson
b. abt 1600 m. 20 FEB 1625 Ash By Wrotham
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 07 AUG 1630 Ash By Wrotham
Alice Johnsonn
b. abt m. 22 JUL 1633 Ash By Wrotham
William Johnson
b. abt m. 24 JAN 1632 Ash By Wrotham
Richard Johnson
b. abt 1625 m. 09 OCT 1645 Ash By Wrotham
William Johnson
b. abt m. 14 JUN 1653 Ash By Wrotham
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 17 MAY 1653 Ash By Wrotham
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 01 JAN 1660 Ash By Wrotham
Margaret Johnson
b. abt 1650 m. 31 AUG 1669 Ash By Wrotham
Dorothie Johnson
b. abt m. 18 NOV 1669 Ash By Wrotham
William Johnson
b. abt m. 20 JUL 1682 Ash By Wrotham
Jane Johnson
b. abt m. 01 NOV 1688 Ash By Wrotham
Richard Johnson
b. abt 1544 m. 26 NOV 1564 Herne
Richard Johnson
b. abt 1561 m. 26 NOV 1581 Herne
Edward Johnson
b. abt 1571 m. 11 JUL 1691 Hernshill
Agnes Johnson
b. abt 1579 m. 07 MAY 1599 Herne
Grace Johnson
b. abt 1600 m. 22 SEP 1619 Herne
Humphrey Johnson
b. abt 1623 m. 20 MAR 1643 Hernhill
Humphrey Johnson
b. abt 1658 m. 06 DEC 1678 Hernhill
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 16 MAR 1673 Herne Hill
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 14 JAN 1674 Hernhill
Edward Johnson
b. abt m. 03 MAR 1680 Herne
Edward Johnson
b. abt m. 12 JUL 1691 Hernhill
Edward Johnson
b. abt 1683 m. 28 FEB 1703 Hernhill
Susan Johnson
b. abt m. 26 JUN 1710 Herne
Anne Johnson
b. abt 1647 m. 15 APR 1567 Littlebourne
Dorothy Johnson
b. abt 1581 m. 29 NOV 1601 Littlebourne
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 25 JAN 1606 Littlebourne
EVE Johnson
b. abt 1730 m. 24 NOV 1750 Littlebourne
George Johnson
b. abt 1647 m. 01 FEB 1567 St John, Margate
Anne Johnsone
b. abt m. 04 APR 1570 St John, Margate
Tomisin Johnson
b. abt 1580 m. 03 APR 1600 St John, Margate
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 30 JAN 1609 St John, Margate
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 27 NOV 1615 Margate
Jane Johnson
b. abt m. 11 NOV 1616 St John, Margate
Anne Johnson
b. abt m. 13 OCT 1617 St John, Margate
Anne Johnson
b. abt m. 05 JUL 1619 St John, Margate
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 09 JUL 1621 St John, Margate
William Johnson
b. abt 1607 m. 12 JUL 1627 St John, Margate
Anne Johnson
b. abt m. 12 JUL 1631 St John, Margate
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1616 m. 14 JUL 1636 St John, Margate
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 16 NOV 1637 St John, Margate
John Johnson
b. abt 1627 m. 28 MAR 1646 St John, Margate
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 22 NOV 1649 St John, Margate
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 04 DEC 1654 Margate
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1650 m. 10 JUL 1670 St John, Margate
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 25 JUL 1704 St John, Margate
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 06 OCT 1741 St John, Margate
John Johnson
b. abt 1547 m. 3 or 16 OCT 1567 Birchington
John Johnsonn
b. abt m. 08 JAN 1571 Birchington
Johes Johnsonn
b. abt m. 28 JAN 1571 Birchington
John Johnsonn
b. abt m. 02 JUL 1571
Ann Johnsonn
b. abt m. 02 JUL 1571 Of Burchington
Thoma Johnsonn
b. abt m. 29 JAN 1590 Birchington
Johes Johnsonn
b. abt m. 29 JAN 1590 Birchington
Barbaria Johnsonn
b. abt m. 05 NOV 1590 Birchington
Ellin Johnson
b. abt m. 17 SEP 1590 Birchington
John Johnson
b. abt m. 29 JAN 1591 Birchington
Thomas Johnsonn
b. abt m. 29 JAN 1591 Birchington
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 29 JAN 1591 Birchington
Richard Johnsonn
b. abt m. 06 OCT 1595 Birchington
Margery Johnson
b. abt m. 12 APR 1602 Birchington
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 04 APR 1604 Birchington
Richard Johnsonne
b. abt m. 24 APR 1604 Birchington
Johannam Johnson
b. abt m. 22 JUN 1609 Birchington
Martha Johnson
b. abt m. 08 OCT 1610 Burchington
John Johnson
b. abt m. 24 SEP 1612 Birchington
Jane Johnson
b. abt 1731 m. 29 OCT 1751 Birchington
Ellin Johnson
b. abt m. 17 SEP 1790 Birchington
Edward Johnson
b. abt m. 19 OCT 1797 Birchington
Mary Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 26 NOV 1836 Birchington
Sylvester Johnson
b. abt 1547 m. 17 AUG 1567 Orpington
Mary Johnson
b. abt 1686 m. 25 MAR 1706 Orpington
William Jonson
b. abt 1548 m. 11 MAY 1568 Bexley
Rafe Jonson
b. abt m. 23 AUG 1579 Bexley
Henry Jonson
b. abt 1572 m. About 03 FEB 1592 Bexley
Marie Jonson
b. abt m. 04 OCT 1599 Bexley
Henricus Jonson
b. abt 1592 m. 10 MAY 1612 Bexley
Miles Jonson
b. abt 1615 m. 12 MAY 1635 Bexley
Nicolaus Jonson
b. abt m. 22 MAY 1627 Bexley
Richard Johnsonne
b. abt m. 09 JUL 1570 Eynsford
Dorothy Johnson
b. abt m. 04 JAN 1564 Eynsford
Richard Johnsonne
b. abt 1582 m. 13 FEB 1602 Eynsford
Ralfe Johnsonne
b. abt m. 13 JUL 1600 Eynsford
Roger Johnsonne
b. abt m. 09 OCT 1617 Eynsford
Susan Johnsonne
b. abt m. 11 JUL 1618 Eynsford
Margaret Johnsonne
b. abt m. 21 JAN 1607 Eynsford
Marie Johnsonne
b. abt m. 24 JUL 1615 Eynsford
Richarde Johnsonne
b. abt 1602 m. 30 MAR 1620 Eynsford
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1654 m. 09 MAR 1674 Eynsford
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 13 JUL 1671 Eynsford
Joseph Johnson
b. abt 1705 m. 26 NOV 1725 Eynsford
Alice Johnson
b. abt 1700 m. 25 FEB 1719 Eynsford
William Johnson
b. abt m. 05 NOV 1725 Eynsford
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1734 m. 19 FEB 1754 Eynsford
Richard Johnsonne
b. abt 1552 m. 28 OCT 1572 Shoreham
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 03 MAY 1617 Shoreham
Adrian Johnson
b. abt 1616 m. 09 OCT 1636 Shoreham
Jane Johnson
b. abt m. 25 SEP 1636 Shoreham
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 28 OCT 1639 Shoreham
Charles Johnson
b. abt 1643 m. 03 DEC 1663 Shoreham
William Johnson
b. abt 1695 m. 12 SEP 1715 Shoreham
Mary Johnson
b. abt 1551 m. 15 OCT 1571 Willesborough
Susan Johnson
b. abt 1574 m. FEB 1594 Willesborough
Daniel Jhonson
b. abt 1595 m. 13 JUL 1615 Willesborough
Daniel Johnson
b. abt 1600 m. 23 OCT 1620 Willesborough
William Johnson
b. abt 1626 m. 26 NOV 1646 Willesborough
John Johnson
b. abt m. 27 JUL 1653 Willesborough
Mary Johnson
b. abt 1553 m. 15 OCT 1571 Willesborough
William Johnson
b. abt 1700 m. 27 JAN 1718 Willesborough
William Johnson
b. abt 1552 m. 12 JUN 1572 St Stephen, Hackington
Esdras Johnson
b. abt m. 21 DEC 1577 Hackington
Edward Johnson
b. abt 1557 m. 29 DEC 1577 Hackington
Henry Johnson
b. abt 1606 m. 26 OCT 1626 Hackington
Rauffe Johnsone
b. abt 1564 m. 02 JUN 1584 West Peckham
Henry Johnson
b. abt m. 05 JUN 1585 West Peckham
Joane Johnson
b. abt 1671 m. 16 NOV 1591 West Peckham
Ellen Johnson
b. abt m. 28 APR 1640 West Peckham
Richard Johnson
b. abt 1564 m. 06 SEP 1584 Westerham
Hugh Johnson
b. abt m. 28 NOV 1585 Westerham
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1588 m. 09 OCT 1608 Westerham
Richard Johnson
b. abt 1608 m. 21 MAY 1628 Westerham
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 23 JUN 1631 Westerham
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 29 SEP 1634 Westerham
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1628 m. 06 FEB 1648 Westerham
Robert Johnson
b. abt 1643 m. 04 FEB 1663 Westerham
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 06 NOV 1704 Westerham
Alice Johnson
b. abt m. 28 MAR 1687 Westerham
John Johnson
b. abt 1649 m. 19 SEP 1669 Westerham
Alice Johnson
b. abt 1670 m. 28 MAR 1687 Westerham
Mary Johnson
b. abt 1684 m. 06 NOV 1704 Westerham
Anne Johnson
b. abt m. 02 APR 1711 Of Westersham
Sarah Johnson
b. abt 1700 m. 20 JAN 1722 Westerham
Elizabeth Johnson
24 AUG 1729 Westerham
Sarah Johnson
b. abt 1736 m. 20 MAY 1756 Westerham
Mary Johnson
b. abt 1564 m. 02 OCT 1584 Saint Mary Cray
Elizabeth Jonson
b. abt m. 02 DEC 1596 Crayford
John Johnsonne
b. abt m. About 12 MAY 1603 Saint Mary Cray
William Johnsonne
b. abt m. About 20 OCT 1614 Saint Mary Cray
Catherine Johnson
b. abt 1700 m. 13 FEB 1715 Saint Mary Cray
Edmund Johnson
b. abt 1564 m. 30 SEP 1584 Smeeth
Matthew Johnson
b. abt m. 21 JAN 1593 Smeeth
Frances Johnston
b. abt 1592 m. 03 OCT 1612 Smeeth
Francis Johnsonne
b. abt m. 05 OCT 1612 Smeeth
Katherine Johnson
b. abt m. 02 JUN 1618 Smeeth
Harry Janson
b. abt m. 23 OCT 1586 Shorne
Ellenor Jonson
b. abt m. 11 JUN 1600 Shorne
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 04 FEB 1600 Shorne
An Jonson
b. abt 1600 m. 06 MAR 1615 Shorne
Guliemi Johnson
b. abt m. 12 NOV 1674 Shorne
Gulielmi Johnson
b. abt m. 20 OCT 1687 Shorne
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1568 m. 18 APR 1588 Saint Peter And Saint Paul, Milton By Gravesend
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1588 m. 22 JAN 1603 Saint Peter And Saint Paul, Milton By Gravesend
Alice Johnson
b. abt m. 10 NOV 1611 Saint Peter And Saint Paul, Milton By Gravesend
Mary Johnson
b. abt 1634 m. 04 MAY 1654 Saint Peter And Saint Paul, Milton By Gravesend
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1636 m. 25 MAR 1656 Saint Peter And Saint Paul, Milton By Gravesend
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 28 JUL 1659 Saint Peter And Saint Paul, Milton By Gravesend
John Johnson
b. abt m. 27 DEC 1660 Saint Peter And Saint Paul, Milton By Gravesend
John Jonson
b. abt m. 26 MAY 1667 Saint Peter And Saint Paul, Milton By Gravesend
Katherin Johnson
b. abt m. 19 MAY 1662 Gravesend
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 10 MAY 1665 Saint George, Gravesend
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 23 SEP 1662 Saint Peter And Saint Paul, Milton By Gravesend
John Jonson
b. abt 1652 m. 08 DEC 1672 Higham Near Gravesend
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1652 m. 14 APR 1672 Saint Peter And Saint Paul, Milton By Gravesend
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 28 JUN 1674 Saint Peter And Saint Paul, Milton By Gravesend
William Johnson
b. abt 1665 m. 11 FEB 1685 Saint Peter And Saint Paul, Milton By Gravesend
Katherine Johnson
b. abt m. 29 JUL 1679 Gravesend
Charity Johnston
b. abt m. 07 SEP 1678 Saint George, Gravesend
John Jonson
b. abt 1683 m. 28 DEC 1703 Higham Near Gravesend
James Johnson
b. abt 1687 m. 13 JUL 1707 Saint Peter And Saint Paul, Milton By Gravesend
Anne Johnson
b. abt m. 29 SEP 1713 Saint George, Gravesend
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 11 NOV 1714 Saint Peter And Saint Paul, Milton By Gravesend
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 31 JAN 1719 Gravesend
Jane Johnson
b. abt m. 24 NOV 1716 Saint George, Gravesend
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 14 JAN 1716 Higham Near Gravesend
Ann Johnson
b. abt 1702 m. 25 APR 1722 Higham Near Gravesend
Elizabeth Jonson
b. abt m. 19 NOV 1732 Saint Peter And Saint Paul, Milton By Gravesend
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 16 OCT 1720 Saint Peter And Saint Paul, Milton By Gravesend
Susanna Johnson
b. abt m. 04 AUG 1728 Saint Peter And Saint Paul, Milton By Gravesend
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1721 m. 31 MAY 1741 Gravesend
Anne Johnson
b. abt m. 09 SEP 1744 Gravesend
Elias Johnson
b. abt m. 15 SEP 1744 Saint Peter And Saint Paul, Milton By Gravesend
John Johnson
b. abt m. 16 JUL 1747 Gravesend
Elisabeth Johnson
17 NOV 1734 Saint Peter And Saint Paul, Milton By Gravesend
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 07 APR 1751 Saint Peter And Saint Paul, Milton By Gravesend
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 18 AUG 1754 Gravesend
John Johnson
b. abt m. 01 JUN 1591 Bishopsbourne
Edmund Johnson
b. abt m. 27 NOV 1602 Bishopsbourne
Ann Johnson
b. abt 1605 m. 16 JAN 1625 Bishopsbourne
Samuel Johnson
b. abt 1572 m. 22 FEB 1592 Aldington
Joan Johnson
b. abt 1613 m. 19 JUN 1633 Aldington
William Johnson
b. abt m. 26 NOV 1646 Aldington
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 19 DEC 1671 Aldington
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 19 DEC 1691 Aldington
William Johnson
b. abt 1573 m. 06 JUN 1593 Tenterden
Sarah Johnson
b. abt 1603 m. 14 FEB 1623 Tenterden
Ann Johnson
b. abt 1637 m. 25 JUN 1657 Tenterden
Sarah Johnson
b. abt 1720 m. 14 FEB 1739 Tenterden
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 27 APR 1742 Tenterden
John Johnson
b. abt 1576 m. 10 OCT 1596 Rainham
Philip Jhonson
b. abt m. 12 JUN 1598 Rainham
Katherine Johnson
b. abt 1600 m. 27 OCT 1628 Rainham
James Johnson
b. abt 1666 m. 04 APR 1686 Rainham
William Johnson
b. abt 1677 m. 21 APR 1697 Rainham
John Jhonson
b. abt 1687 m. 17 JUL 1707 Rainham
Mary Jhonson
b. abt m. 17 JUL 1707 Rainham
Mary Johnson
b. abt 1711 m. 12 OCT 1731 Rainham
John Johnson
b. abt 1738 m. 02 OCT 1758 Rainham
Annisam Johnson
b. abt 1577 m. 24 NOV 1597 Saint Werburgh Hoo
Guilielmus Johnson
b. abt m. 12 SEP 1597 Saint Werburgh Hoo
John Johnson
b. abt m. 07 JUL 1646 Saint Werburgh Hoo
William Johnson
b. abt 1684 m. 13 FEB 1704 Saint Werburgh Hoo
John Johnson
b. abt 1577 m. 11 OCT 1597 Saltwood
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 27 NOV 1642 Saltwood
Alice Johnsonn
b. abt m. 14 OCT 1663 Saltwood
John Johnson b. abt 1735 Spouse: Eliz
Elizabeth Johnson
23 NOV 1755 Saltwood, Kent Father: John Johnson Mother: Eliz
Henry Johnson b. abt 1577 m.
15 JUN 1597 Ashford
Mary Johnson
b. abt 1614 m. 27 MAY 1634 Ashford
Mary Johnson
b. abt 1650 m. 20 DEC 1670 Ashford
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 03 OCT 1671 Ashford
David Johnson
b. abt m. 21 FEB 1682 Ashford
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1700 m. 17 APR 1720 Ashford
Denes Jonson
b. abt m. 16 APR 1597 Meopham
Charles Johnson
b. abt 1600 m. 29 NOV 1627 Meopham
John Johnson
b. abt m. 07 FEB 1627 Meopham
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1612 m. 02 JUL 1632 Meopham
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1647 m. 03 FEB 1667 Meopham
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 15 MAR 1679 Meopham
William Johnson
b. abt m. 20 JUN 1689 Meopham
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 02 OCT 1698 Meopham
John Johnson
b. abt m. 09 OCT 1692 Meopham
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 02 JUN 1692 Meopham
Mary Johnson
b. abt 1676 m. 09 DEC 1696 Meopham
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 19 DEC 1703 Meopham
William Johnson
b. abt 1717 m. 30 OCT 1737 Meopham
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 16 APR 1732 Meopham
Catherine Johnson
b. abt m. 20 AUG 1600 Fordwich
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 21 APR 1601 Fordwich
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 02 SEP 1609 Fordwich
Alice Johnson
b. abt m. 28 APR 1600 St Margaret, Lee
Robert Johnson
b. abt m. 11 AUG 1700 Saint Margaret, Lee
Andrew Johnson
b. abt m. 21 NOV 1723 St Margaret, Lee
Katherine Johnson
b. abt m. 22 SEP 1746 St Margaret, Lee
John Johnson
b. abt 1727 m. 24 MAY 1747 Lee
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1581 m. 24 JAN 1601 Charing
John Johnson
b. abt 1603 m. 19 JUN 1623 Charing
John Johnson
b. abt m. 19 JUN 1625 Charing
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 05 OCT 1629 Charing
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 11 OCT 1632 Charing
Ann Johnson
b. abt 1622 m. 05 OCT 1642 Charing
Elizabeth Janson
b. abt m. 01 JAN 1651 Charing
Dorothy Johnson
b. abt 1645 m. 16 OCT 1665 Charing
John Johnson
b. abt 1666 m. 28 OCT 1686 Charing
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 11 MAY 1699 Charing
Sarah Johnson
b. abt 1693 m. 24 JUN 1713 Charing
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 06 OCT 1713 Charing
William Johnson
b. abt m. 27 JAN 1718 Charing
William Johnson
b. abt m. 05 OCT 1719 Charing
George Johnson
b. abt 1704 m. 26 OCT 1724 Charing
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 09 OCT 1763 Charing
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 18 DEC 1763 Charing
George Johnson
b. abt m. 27 JUN 1602 Bromley
Robert Johnson
b. abt 1603 m. 24 OCT 1623 Bromley
Rebecca Johnson
b. abt 1624 m. 01 MAY 1642 Bromley
Elizabeth Johnsonne
b. abt 1582 m. 20 FEB 1602 Little Chart
Susan Johnson
b. abt m. 13 JAN 1611 Little Chart
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1641 m. 02 MAY 1661 Little Chart
Silas Johnson
b. abt 1647 m. 28 MAY 1667 Little Chart
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 22 APR 1669 Little Chart
John Johnson
b. abt m. 10 FEB 1718 Little Chart
William Johnsonne
b. abt 1584 m. 22 OCT 1604 Wye
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 21 NOV 1614 Wye
Grace Johnson
b. abt 1614 m. 31 DEC 1632 Wye
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 24 AUG 1662 Wye
George Johnson
b. abt m. 22 JUL 1606 Ivychurch
John Johnson
b. abt 1605 m. 27 APR 1625 Ivychurch
Henry Johnson
b. abt m. 1630 Ivychurch
Gidion Jhonson
b. abt 1587 m. 10 AUG 1607 Strood Near Rochester
Annes Jonson
b. abt 1575 m. 13 JUL 1590 Strood Near Rochester
James Johnsone
b. abt 1609 m. 21 JAN 1629 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
John Johnson
b. abt m. 05 JUN 1625 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
John Johnson
b. abt m. 21 DEC 1626 Strood Near Rochester
John Johnson
b. abt m. 03 DEC 1626 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
William Johnson
b. abt m. 17 APR 1638 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
George Johnson
b. abt 1634 m. 10 SEP 1654 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
Marecey Johnson
b. abt m. 25 DEC 1654 Strood Near Rochester
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 23 JAN 1653 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
Rebekah Johnson
b. abt m. 14 SEP 1656 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
Richard Janson
b. abt m. 30 JAN 1665 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 03 NOV 1672 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
Martha Johnson
b. abt m. 09 FEB 1661 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
Judeth Johnson
b. abt m. 30 NOV 1670 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
John Johnson
b. abt 1660 m. 17 JUN 1680 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
Robert Johnson
b. abt m. 05 AUG 1688 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 03 FEB 1686 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 29 JAN 1688 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
Susana Johnson
b. abt m. 06 FEB 1687 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
William Johnson
b. abt 1672 m. 03 APR 1692 Strood Near Rochester
William Johnson
b. abt m. 17 AUG 1696 Strood Near Rochester
William Johnson
b. abt m. 26 JUL 1696 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
William Johnson
b. abt m. 07 NOV 1697 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
George Johnson
b. abt m. 22 FEB 1690 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
Agnes Johnson
b. abt m. 13 MAR 1691 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 14 APR 1696 Strood Near Rochester
William Johnson
b. abt 1681 m. 29 OCT 1701 Strood Near Rochester
William Johnson
b. abt m. 08 NOV 1705 Strood Near Rochester
William Johnson
b. abt m. 21 APR 1706 Strood Near Rochester
William Johnson
b. abt m. 04 NOV 1707 Strood Near Rochester
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 31 JAN 1706 Strood Near Rochester
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. JUL 1700 Strood Near Rochester
Henery Johnson
b. abt m. 21 JAN 1704 Strood Near Rochester
Jacob Johnson
b. abt 1688 m. 14 MAR 1708 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
William Johnson
b. abt m. 01 AUG 1717 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 06 FEB 1710 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
Martha Johnson
b. abt m. 01 APR 1710 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
Barnett Johnson
b. abt m. 27 JAN 1711 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 1713 Rochester
Cathrin Johnson
b. abt m. 25 JAN 1713 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
Bridgitt Johnson
b. abt 1701 m. 31 JAN 1717 Strood Near Rochester
Mary Johnson
b. abt 1702 m. 17 JUL 1718 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1703 m. 11 FEB 1719 Strood Near Rochester
Peter Johnston
b. abt 1737 m. 23 NOV 1757 Saint Nicholas, Rochester
John Johnson
b. abt 1741 m. 06 JAN 1761 Strood Near Rochester
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 14 JUL 1758 St Nicholas, Rochester
James Johnson
b. abt 1589 m. 29 JUL 1609 Faversham
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 30 JUL 1610 Preston Near Faversham
John Johnson
b. abt 1606 m. 18 APR 1626 Faversham
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1603 m. 16 JAN 1623 Faversham
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 24 JUN 1624 Faversham
John Johnson
b. abt 1606 m. 28 JAN 1626 Faversham
John Johnson
b. abt 1650 m. 05 DEC 1670 Faversham
Elizabeth Jonson
b. abt m. 19 JAN 1667 Faversham
Edward Johnson
b. abt m. 11 JUL 1691 Faversham
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 02 AUG 1692 Faversham
John Johnson
b. abt 1674 m. 02 OCT 1694 Faversham
John Johnson
b. abt 1666 m. 10 OCT 1686 Faversham
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 11 OCT 1680 Faversham
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 12 SEP 1698 Faversham
John Johnson
b. abt 1687 m. 31 AUG 1707 Faversham
Valentine Janson
b. abt m. 19 FEB 1709 Preston Near Faversham
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 29 DEC 1709 Faversham
Christopher Johnson
b. abt m. 09 OCT 1711 Faversham
Peter Johnson
b. abt m. 30 SEP 1718 Faversham
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1700 m. 08 AUG 1724 Faversham
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 11 MAY 1735 Faversham
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 11 MAR 1732 Faversham
James Johnson
b. abt m. 21 OCT 1729 Faversham
John Johnson
b. abt m. 10 OCT 1736 Faversham
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 22 OCT 1741 Faversham
Henry Johnson
b. abt 1728 m. 12 APR 1748 Faversham
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 25 OCT 1756 Faversham
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 30 NOV 1610 Sturry
Silas Johnson
b. abt m. 05 SEP 1639 Sturry
John Johnson
b. abt 1702 m. 29 MAY 1722 Sturry
Agnes Johnson
b. abt m. 24 APR 1611 Bekesbourne
Edward Johnson
b. abt m. 15 NOV 1612 Bekesbourne
William Johnson
b. abt m. 13 JUN 1672 Bekesbourne
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 09 JUL 1753 Bekesbourne
John Johnson
b. abt m. 31 JUL 1614 Farningham
Anne Johnson
b. abt m. 26 JAN 1605 Farningham
John Johnson
b. abt 1625 m. 14 APR 1645 Farningham
Susan Johnson
b. abt 1659 m. 02 NOV 1679 Farningham
Susanna Johnson
b. abt m. 19 FEB 1690 Farningham
b. abt m. 29 JAN 1704 Farningham
Charles Johnson
b. abt m. 22 MAY 1707 Farningham
John Johnson
b. abt m. 19 MAY 1761 Farningham
John Johnson
27 SEP 1761 Farningham
Margaret Johnsonne
b. abt 1594 m. 16 NOV 1614 Halstead
Willa Johnsonne
b. abt m. 03 MAY 1621 Halstead
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 04 JUN 1684 Halstead
Abraham Johnson
b. abt m. 01 JAN 1715 Halstead
Martha Johnson
b. abt m. 14 FEB 1739 Halstead
John Johnson
b. abt 1595 m. 31 OCT 1615 Deal
William Johnson
b. abt 1609 m. 11 FEB 1629 Deal
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 01 SEP 1622 Deal
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 23 NOV 1620 Deal
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 27 AUG 1623 Deal
Jeremy Johnson
b. abt 1622 m. 01 FEB 1642 Deal
Ellen Johnson
b. abt 1646 m. 28 DEC 1666 Deal
Joseph Johnson
b. abt 1655 m. 07 JUL 1675 Deal
Ann Johnson
b. abt 1654 m. 24 JUN 1674 Deal
Hester Johnston
b. abt m. 08 NOV 1691 Deal
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1679 m. 17 JUL 1699 Deal
Dorothy Johnson
b. abt m. 16 NOV 1616 Lamberhurst
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1685 m. 05 JUL 1705 Lamberhurst
Thomas Jonson
b. abt m. 22 JUL 1708 Lamberhurst
James Johnson
b. abt 1696 m. 10 OCT 1616 Folkestone
James Johnson
b. abt 1616 m. 10 JUL 1635 Folkestone
James Johnson
b. abt m. 10 JUL 1638 Folkestone
Rebecca Johnson
b. abt m. 31 OCT 1638 Folkestone
James Johnson
b. abt 1622 m. 21 APR 1642 Folkestone
Sarah Johnson
b. abt m. 04 MAR 1644 Folkestone
Samuel Johnson
b. abt 1675 m. 07 JUL 1695 Folkestone
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1695 m. 17 OCT 1714 Folkestone
Martha Johnson
b. abt 1717 m. 20 MAY 1737 Folkestone
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 17 OCT 1714 Folkestone
William Johnson
b. abt m. 10 JAN 1762 Folkestone
Edward Johnsonne
b. abt 1590 m. 16 FEB 1617 Saint Alphage, Greenwich
Ann Johnsonne
b. abt m. 21 JUL 1617 Saint Alphage, Greenwich
Katherine Johnson
b. abt 1601 m. 09 JUL 1621 Saint Alphage, Greenwich
Ellenor Johnson
b. abt m. 28 SEP 1628 Saint Alphage, Greenwich
Edmund Johnson
b. abt 1632 m. 05 SEP 1652 Saint Alphage, Greenwich
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 30 AUG 1653 Saint Alphage, Greenwich
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1639 m. 05 MAR 1659 Saint Alphage, Greenwich
William Johnson
b. abt m. 16 FEB 1639 Saint Alphage, Greenwich
John Johnson
b. abt m. 26 JAN 1642 Saint Alphage, Greenwich
Robert Johnson
b. abt 1679 m. 25 APR 1699 Greenwich
Martha Johnson
b. abt m. 25 APR 1699 Greenwich
Anne Johnson
b. abt m. 08 JAN 1696 Greenwich
Andrew Johnson
b. abt 1719 m. 06 JAN 1739 Royal Hospital, Greenwich
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 08 OCT 1781 Greenwich
John Johnson
b. abt 1600 m. 13 DEC 1623 Westbere
John Johnson
b. abt m. 01 AUG 1615 Westbury
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 15 MAY 1615 Westbere
Elizabeth Johnson
27 NOV 1726 Church Of England, Westbere
Robert Johnson
b. abt m. 09 OCT 1616 Borden
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1680 m. 15 JAN 1700 Borden
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 04 APR 1706 Borden
Lydia Johnson
b. abt 1700 m. 08 OCT 1718 Borden
John Johnson
b. abt 1603 m. 12 JAN 1623 Wilmington
John Johnson
b. abt 1648 m. 06 DEC 1668 Wilmington
Margret Johnson
b. abt 1669 m. SEP 1689 Wilmington
Phillis Johnson
b. abt 1700 m. 18 OCT 1716 Wilmington
Dorothie Johnson
b. abt 1611 m. 02 OCT 1631 Ridley
William Johnson
b. abt 1686 m. 16 FEB 1706 Ridley
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 30 SEP 1711 Ridley
Sarah Johnson
b. abt 1716 m. 18 MAY 1736 Ridley
John Johnson
b. abt 1629 m. 17 JAN 1649 St Nicholas Church, Sevenoaks
John Johnson
b. abt 1662 m. 28 NOV 1682 St Nicholas Church, Sevenoaks
John Johnson
b. abt 1684 m. 14 FEB 1704 St Nicholas Church, Sevenoaks
Anne Johnson
b. abt m. 23 APR 1705 Sevenoaks
Martha Jonston
b. abt 1702 m. 10 FEB 1722 St Nicholas Church, Sevenoaks
Arthur Johnson
b. abt 1738 m. Mary Richardson 03 MAY 1758 Kingsdown Near Sevenoaks
Peckham Johnson
b. abt 1637 m. 21 JUL 1657 Aylesford
Joane Johnson
b. abt m. 15 SEP 1670 Aylesford
Richard Johnson
b. abt 1696 m. 24 MAR 1716 Aylesford
3501. William Johnson
b. abt m. 04 FEB 1717 Aylesford
Deborah Johnson
b. abt 1700 m. 19 JUL 1720 Aylesford
Susannah Johnson
b. abt m. 09 SEP 1735 Aylesford
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 02 MAR 1738 Aylesford
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 09 JUN 1739 Aylesford
Richard Johnson
b. abt m. 01 JUL 1739 Aylesford
John Johnson
b. abt 1723 m. 28 JUN 1743 Aylesford
Edward Johnson
b. abt m. 12 MAY 1746 Aylesford
John Johnson
b. abt m. 04 SEP 1745 Aylesford
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 25 APR 1745 Aylesford
William Johnson
b. abt m. 24 APR 1747 Aylesford
Deborah Johnson
b. abt m. 17 JUL 1720 Aylesford
Mary Johnson
b. abt 1643 m. 15 OCT 1663 Nether Court Near Ramsgate
Joan Johnson
b. abt 1660 m. 02 AUG 1677 Ramsgate
Robert Johnson
b. abt 1686 m. 23 DEC 1706 St Lawrence, Ramsgate
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 05 DEC 1694 Ramsgate
Sarah Johnson
b. abt 1707 m. 11 FEB 1727 St Lawrence, Ramsgate
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1650 m. 24 APR 1670 Cuxton
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1676 m. 28 JUN 1696 Cuxton
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 03 NOV 1716 Cuxton
John Johnson
b. abt 1706 m. 02 JUN 1726 Cuxton
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 13 FEB 1725 Cuxton
William Johnson
b. abt m. 02 APR 1730 Cuxton
Elizabeth Johnson
20 AUG 1727 Cuxton
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1653 m. 04 NOV 1673 Chalk
William Johnson
b. abt 1713 m. 25 SEP 1733 Chalk
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 15 JUN 1744 Chalk
Ann Johnson
b. abt m. 17 AUG 1772 Chalk
Leonard Johnson
b. abt 1775 m. 20 FEB 1795 Chalk
3342. Henry Johnson
b. abt m. 12 SEP 1686 East Malling
3317. Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 03 OCT 1693 East Malling
John Johnson
b. abt m. 14 FEB 1730 East Malling
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 30 NOV 1732 East Malling
Martha Johnson
b. abt 1695 m. 08 MAR 1715 Deptford
John Johnson
b. abt 1716 m. 15 APR 1736 Saint Paul, Deptford
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1728 m. 22 NOV 1748 St Nicholas, Deptford
Ebenezer Jeynson
b. abt 1732 m. 21 SEP 1752 Saint Paul, Deptford
John Johnson
b. abt 1737 m. 23 JAN 1757 St Nicholas, Deptford
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 25 MAY 1758 Saint Paul, Deptford
William Johnson
b. abt m. 22 OCT 1759 St Nicholas, Deptford
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1740 m. 10 JUN 1760 St Nicholas, Deptford
Peter Johnson
b. abt m. 02 MAY 1761 Saint Paul, Deptford
Margaret Johnson
b. abt m. 01 SEP 1762 St Nicholas, Deptford
John Johnson
b. abt m. 30 MAY 1762 Saint Paul, Deptford
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 25 JUL 1764 St Nicholas, Deptford
Thomas Johnston
b. abt m. 12 JUN 1765 St Nicholas, Deptford
John Johnson
b. abt m. 06 MAR 1766 St Nicholas, Deptford
John Johnson
b. abt m. 17 SEP 1769 St Nicholas, Deptford
William Johnson
b. abt m. 03 JUL 1769 Saint Paul, Deptford
Christian Johnson
b. abt 1688 m. 14 FEB 1708 Frindsbury
George Johnson
b. abt m. 16 MAY 1741 Frindsbury
George Johnson
b. abt m. 06 SEP 1748 Frindsbury
William Johnson
b. abt m. 04 APR 1743 Frindsbury
Michel Johnson
b. abt 1691 m. 06 JAN 1711 Chartham
Thomas Johnson
b. abt 1711 m. 01 OCT 1730 Chartham
Thomas Johnson
b. abt m. 16 NOV 1742 Chartham
Sarah Johnson
b. abt 1730 m. 02 JUL 1745 Chartham
John Johnson
b. abt m. 24 JUL 1749 Chartham
Martha Johnson
b. abt 1695 m. 08 MAR 1715 Saint Mary, Lewisham
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 22 JUL 1716 Saint Mary, Lewisham
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt 1703 m. 18 DEC 1723 Lewisham
George Jonson
b. abt m. 31 MAY 1728 Saint Mary, Lewisham
Anne Johnson
b. abt m. 19 AUG 1737 Saint Mary, Lewisham
Robert Johnson
b. abt 1700 m. 16 FEB 1720 Horton Kirby
John Johnson
b. abt m. 06 JAN 1721 Horton Kirby
John Johnson
b. abt m. 27 FEB 1727 Horton Kirby
John Johnson
b. abt 1745 m. 07 NOV 1765 Horton Kirby
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 01 JAN 1770 Horton Kirby
John Johnson
24 DEC 1752 Horton Kirby
John Johnson
13 JAN 1768 Horton Kirby
John Johnson
18 JUN 1769 Horton Kirby
Sarah Johnson
b. abt 1700 m. 07 DEC 1718 Chatham
Mary Johnson
b. abt 1704 m. 22 MAR 1724 Chatham
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 24 DEC 1740 Chatham
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 01 OCT 1743 Chatham
Anne Johnson
b. abt m. 08 OCT 1746 Chatham
George Johnson
b. abt m. 26 FEB 1746 Chatham
Elizabeth Johnson
b. abt m. 18 NOV 1747 Chatham
William Johnson
b. abt m. 10 NOV 1746 Chatham
William Johnson
b. abt m. 18 NOV 1747 Chatham
William Johnson
b. abt m. 12 DEC 1748 Chatham
Sarah Johnson
b. abt 1700 m. 26 JAN 1720 Saint Luke, Old Charlton
Mary Johnson
b. abt m. 17 AUG 1732 Saint Luke, Old Charlton
William Johnston
b. abt m. 28 MAY 1729 Saint Luke, Old Charlton